New iPod?

I agree! Its fake. acouple of things make this possible.

1) The cable going into the divice is covered with cardboard and that cable is not a standard iPod cable.It looks more like and old power or monitor cable.

2) If you sway your monitor to a different angle or look at the image from a different perspective the red color bar has smudge marks especially going around the corner of the barcode edge (a photoshop tool was used here).

3) After the dodgy smudge mark they compressed it really badly making the red color bar look even worse. The aqua bar was ok but no scan lines.

The Interesting Part
The thing is the purple and grey colour bars are showing "scan lines" this especially happens when a digital camera takes a picture directly off a screen or monitor.

What I believe!
There is a real video feed going into the device but it's also been touched up withphotoshop after the photo has been taken. The person calling the image "newipodmabey.jpg" has done a really bad photoshop job and the compression gave it away. But could this be purposly made to get a reaction? chances are no! Apple i can't recall have never done that before. Have they?

Any one know what the asian text means?

Yeah, I'm equally convinced that's a fake as well. I'm very sure Apple just lets people wander into their labs with cameras. My dad works at Boeing, and they won't even let employees bring a cameraPHONE into the building.

As tight as Apple is with their security and secrecy, I just can't believe that these are legitimate pictures.
Quicksilver said:
Now thats much more realistic!!!!

Looks very real to me. I think a touch screen and larger LCD is the direction Apple is going. Makes since given their increased video content on ITunes.



why would they put Ice Age 2 on an iPod?

Might be a fake cause Ice Age 2 isnt out yet, unless it's a downloaded trailer
Certainly a trailer. With what would you initially test a video iPod? A trailer, of course. Small download etc., they're readily available. Makes sense.
Well, if they are going to make a touch screen iPod.. thats what it would probably look like..

The interface and overall design is all apple-like. The black faded interface on the movie reminds me of the iPhoto interface on fullscreen.
Somebody went through a lot of trouble, and I believe it's the best fake I've ever seen.
Why I don't believe it:
1-too thin. no way there is a decent enough hard drive in there for movies.
2-too thin. no way there is enough battery power in there to power the front, even in iTunes mode, to last more than a few hours.
3-unless Apple makes a significant change in building materials, the screen is literally begging to be scratched. Every time you use it.

But it sure looks sweet.
Take a look at the second picture (the one leaning away)...

We see it displaying the sorta-negative thing that happens when you view an LCD from an extreme angle. Problem is, (and this is why i cry fake) there's a very clean line seperating the normal view from the negative... That isn't how it works (iBook & PB users, give it a try) On real LCDs, the change to "negative" happens gradually, as a gradient across the whole screen.

I can't get a single LCD I own to display the image like the one in the photo.

Good Photoshop, bad physics. Fake.
they are, at the very least, very good excercises on how to use photoshop. i would teach this at college if was so inclined
Wow. Never realized the video iPod was so thin!

Except for the battery and scratch issues, there's no reason for this not to happen.
You know even if Apple wasn't intending to do this, they really should take a careful look at the design, it seems to work... and the scratches are nothing a reinforced lcd with included protectors wont fix :)