Recent content by mr_mac_x

  1. mr_mac_x

    Root in Login Window?

  2. mr_mac_x

    *LEAKED* 20 things to expect at MWSF!!

    MacWorld San Francisco, but good guess :)
  3. mr_mac_x


    Yes, I like them too. I wonder if this means that QuickTime and iTunes will get updated to Cocoa (or to at least follow the new theme) soon. I hope so; I don't like Carbon applications.
  4. mr_mac_x

    Show Your Dock

    My dock is on the left for two reasons. First, the resize handle on windows is on the bottom right corner, so this way it doesn't interfere with the dock. Also, items on the desktop are on the right, and I don't like trying to click on one and having the dock expand to the point where I can't...
  5. mr_mac_x


    I don't know, but I do remember older updates writing over themes.
  6. mr_mac_x


    I just launched the Calculator, and it has the new window widgets. Not like you haven't seen them yet, but anyway:
  7. mr_mac_x


    I just installed the update and restarted. Nothing seems different other than the build number. Its now 6G30. I haven't launched any textured applications yet, so I have yet to see the new window widgets that ddma started a thread about.
  8. mr_mac_x

    10.2.3 new brushed interface?

    I just wish that the close/minimize/zoom buttons looked the same as the toolbar button.
  9. mr_mac_x

    What Will Be the Next iApp

    I don't think that if Apple releases a web browser it will be start with the "i" naming tradition. Its redundant and doesn't fit with I also don't think that Apple will release a web browser in the usual sense. I expect that they will expand Sherlock's internet features to the point...
  10. mr_mac_x

    Jaguar 'X' icon Inversed

    Blue Dalmatian lives on! :)
  11. mr_mac_x

    iCal on Apple's Homepage up to October 7th

    Maybe that's just the day that they will take it off of their main page.
  12. mr_mac_x

    .mac backup?

    How does it cost Apple money to let me back up to my own DVDs/CDs? I buy the DVD-Rs (from Apple, no less) and I burn them with my own data with my own time all by my self. I don't care if they want to charge for backing up to iDisks, that makes sense. But to backup to CD/DVDs, they have no...
  13. mr_mac_x


    Only iChat or Fire? I use Proteus (I just switched), so I'll just wait for a new version. It looks great though.
  14. mr_mac_x

    .mac backup?

    Nobody ever said that Apple would burn CDs for you. But what they did say is that if you want to burn your own Backup CDs and DVDs with your own CD/DVD burner, why should you need to be connected to the internet and paying for an internet service package? Of course, I can't answer that...
  15. mr_mac_x

    Gateway's iMac look-alike!

    Those test results are incorrect. My iMac (even in 10.1) does not take anywhere near a minute to start up. I think that that alone discredits that company's testing. My iMac: 800MHz, 15" LCD