Ora, very generous that you are handing out your invites here.
To be honest my sig is a bit out of date, i'm the proud co-owner of a 20" iMac with intel processor. I'll just send you a PM, tnx in advance.
Nice pics Scott, always nice to see some opening-shots. :)
There's gonna be an Apple Store in Egypt?! Why do you guys get to be first... :'(
I hope to see a official store here in Europe before i'm 80. ;)
I think the colors are kinda girlish, except for the silver & blue one. These colors don't have a 'cool guy' look, but that ís the market Apple is pointing at. The silver one is good, the rest is well-well. Could be better. :)
Damnit. :/
When i hit the 'Download iTunes' Button, it starts downloading iTunes 3.0.1 :s
I installed QT 6.1, and i filled in the form with a (fake ;)) email adress.
Does anyone have the direct link?
IE isn't 'bad'.
It misses some features that Safari has (tabbed browsing, speed), but it's more compatible with most sites then Safari... (i have some sites that look like crap/crash on Safari & run wonderfull in IE)