The colors of the mini iPod.

Do you like the new iPodmini colors?

  • Yes, they look cool with the colors

    Votes: 12 22.6%
  • They look colors but I don't want one/I think it's for an other kind of users than me

    Votes: 9 17.0%
  • Nope, I want white

    Votes: 11 20.8%
  • Nope, I want brushed metal (no fruity colors for me)

    Votes: 9 17.0%
  • I don't care

    Votes: 2 3.8%
  • I like the silver (platinum?)

    Votes: 27 50.9%
  • I like the gold

    Votes: 5 9.4%
  • I like the pink

    Votes: 5 9.4%
  • I like the green

    Votes: 4 7.5%
  • I like the blue

    Votes: 8 15.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Giaguara said:
I think the platinum (looks more platinum than silver in the pics) would look great with a pb. But 4 G sounds small after the 20 G .. and it's not that much smaller, sizewise. Hm.. place for a poll...
4GB IS small after 10/15/20/30 or 40GB, but different things for different people, no?

Not everyone wants to back up their hard drives on to an iPod and not everyone's got that much music that they want to carry around with them (looking in my library, I've got 25.65GB = 4,326 songs = 13.2 days of never hearing the same song twice!!!) I don't think that I'm "normal" in that respect!

As for size, have you tried picking up 0.5" of business cards - it's unbelievable - any smaller and most men wouldn't be able to get their thumbs to operate it!

I like the miniPod - the only thing I'm not sure about is the apparently sharp top and bottom edges (looks very much like the finish on my first 5GB lump of an iPod)which have since been rounded off in later models...

$250 / £150 doesn't look too bad to me - but as you said, the prices should drop within 6 months or so...

i want to see those life as well.

but they dont look like business card size. this is a comparison to real ipod.

a normal business card is not 3,5" x wide.

edit: you can choose all colors and options that you like in the poll.


Giaguara said:
i want to see those life as well.

but they dont look like business card size. this is a comparison to real ipod.

a normal business card is not 3,5" x wide.

edit: you can choose all colors and options that you like in the poll.
My business cards are exactly 3.5" x 2"! Perhaps they're not normal, but they're the same size as all the ones I've been given by other people (except for graphic designers!) :confused:

I'll post a pic tomorrow of one next to a ruler!

Night all...

I think the colors are kinda girlish, except for the silver & blue one. These colors don't have a 'cool guy' look, but that ís the market Apple is pointing at. The silver one is good, the rest is well-well. Could be better. :)
I'd go with the silver or possibly the blue one. That's if I don't go for the 15Gb instead...........

Who on earth voted for the pink one? Yukk.
NielZ said:
I think the colors are kinda girlish, except for the silver & blue one. These colors don't have a 'cool guy' look, but that ís the market Apple is pointing at. The silver one is good, the rest is well-well. Could be better. :)
What would you like, black and red?

Actually, that sounds cool...
Giaguara said:
a normal business card is not 3,5" x wide.

sorry not to post yesterday, but it wouldn't give me the option to attach pics until now!

the dimensions look pretty similar to the new minipod to me! ;)

Giaguara said:
i want to see those life as well.

but they dont look like business card size. this is a comparison to real ipod.

a normal business card is not 3,5" x wide.

edit: you can choose all colors and options that you like in the poll.

The original iPod is the size of a deck of cards!!! I just returned from an Xmas trip to Chicago and stopped by the Apple store there... the 3G iPods are TINY already, and the iPod Mini is MOST DEFINITELY the size of a business card. They look a hell of a lot bigger than they really are on Apple's website.

3.5" x 2" is a standard size for business cards. The iPod Mini is slighly longer than a business card -- 1/10th of an inch to be exact. It is 0.5" deep, and is one of the smallest MP3 players I've ever seen with decent storage.
applewhore said:
I've just got to get one of my American buddies to buy them for me now, and ship them to me - 'cos I'm not paying non-US prices!

so.. wait. if i had one of my american friends buy an ipod for me and ship it over here to germany, would i be able to recharge it? (since the power outlets have a different voltage) because if it was possible. there'd be nothing hindering me from such a purchase (my beloved min disc player kicked the bucked yesterday night...)
sur said:
so.. wait. if i had one of my american friends buy an ipod for me and ship it over here to germany, would i be able to recharge it? (since the power outlets have a different voltage) because if it was possible. there'd be nothing hindering me from such a purchase (my beloved min disc player kicked the bucked yesterday night...)

You can also use the firewire port to charge on your Mac.

I may wait to see the HP iPod before purchasing. That blue is a nice colour and offers a little relief from the sea of white that I've got going on with all my other Apple prods.
What threw me off was the white navigation on the bottom, it makes sense to me, but the colors look skinned on top in the pictures.
This has its advantages because you can spot the navigation and screen easier than on the regular iPod at a glance.
Another thing i like is how the iPod and iPod mini work with both win and mac instead of seperate. If they used these colors in the eMac i'd be happy.
Trust me... the mini iPods are not skinned in any way, unless you count the aluminum exterior as a "skin."
I just ordered one. Looking at my collection, I can fit the whole thing on the mini. So, based on my listening taste the 4GB is plenty for those times I want music. I guess the size depends on how much music you MUST carry around. After all, how long would it take to sync and swap playlists? Not long at all. I think the mini has several things going for it. Because of it's size you can easily put it in your shirt pocket or wear it around your neck. Like a statement. The colors and finish remind me of those '50s aluminium glasses. Tiny is good. AND, I ordered the pink one damnit. And I'm a guy. I hate it when people associate gender with physical properties like color. (I also hate the term CHICK FLICK - get over it) Enough about the GIRLY COLORS. It's extremly cool.
Yeah, though the pink is not my favorite it definitely looks better in real life than on screen. I agree, the gold is bad, but the other ones are nice. And for are the people complaining about colors, what about the silver ones? Youre not complaining about the PowerBooks so if you don't want a color, go silver. I'mgetting one soon thinking of getting a green or a blue, probably blue, though it depends what shade of green it is. Is it grass/puke or is it darker?

actually pink has become a 'man's color' this year. I just read an article in my local paper how the merchants are now stocking pink neckties, etc because of the demand. The shop owner said at first he resisted the ordering of pink merchandise, for fear it was just a fad. Now he seems to think that people are starting to see pink as a man's color too.

I myself never thought of wearing pink either way. I suppose I wouldn't be opposed to a pink iPod mini, but more then likely I'd get the silver.
evildan said:
actually pink has become a 'man's color' this year. I just read an article in my local paper how the merchants are now stocking pink neckties, etc because of the demand. The shop owner said at first he resisted the ordering of pink merchandise, for fear it was just a fad. Now he seems to think that people are starting to see pink as a man's color too.

I myself never thought of wearing pink either way. I suppose I wouldn't be opposed to a pink iPod mini, but more then likely I'd get the silver.

I thought I liked the silver one most. But compared to the others it looks a bit pale. I think in nature the ugliest (to my taste) would be the blue one. The green one looks too much like a mobile phone cover that I had on my nokia for years, I don't want that same (but nice) color again .. if the gold was more yellow, I'd like it more. So the pink kind of looks very cool .. looks more vibrant than the silver .. plus if I had a pink iPod mini, no one could any more tell me I wear no colors ... :D

Heh. I think pink actually is a color that BOTH sexes can like at the moment .. maybe a bright red would look hot too. Or bright yellow. :)
I know there are places that'll change the color of the iPod.

Are there similar places that do a good job of customising the color of the iPod mini?

I'd like to get a new iPod mini in either Gold or U2 iPod colors.
