4GB IS small after 10/15/20/30 or 40GB, but different things for different people, no?Giaguara said:I think the platinum (looks more platinum than silver in the pics) would look great with a pb. But 4 G sounds small after the 20 G .. and it's not that much smaller, sizewise. Hm.. place for a poll...
Not everyone wants to back up their hard drives on to an iPod and not everyone's got that much music that they want to carry around with them (looking in my library, I've got 25.65GB = 4,326 songs = 13.2 days of never hearing the same song twice!!!) I don't think that I'm "normal" in that respect!
As for size, have you tried picking up 0.5" of business cards - it's unbelievable - any smaller and most men wouldn't be able to get their thumbs to operate it!
I like the miniPod - the only thing I'm not sure about is the apparently sharp top and bottom edges (looks very much like the finish on my first 5GB lump of an iPod)which have since been rounded off in later models...
$250 / £150 doesn't look too bad to me - but as you said, the prices should drop within 6 months or so...