Recent content by rmmcwh

  1. R

    Archiving from Comcast DVR

    Try this link, it helped me.
  2. R

    Pioneer DVD problems?

    When I upgraded to Tiger on 3 of my macs (2 Quicksilvers and one AGP) all of my Pioneer DVR104s began to experience problems. After many searches I found this:, I followed the instructions (you have to boot into OS 9) and this fixed all my drives...
  3. R

    DVD drive does not work in G4

    I have done a search online and downloaded a program to reflash the drive. The program recognizes what drive it is. I have tried it on all the dvd drives that I have, I get an error "ERROR - Unlock - Reset (Sense: 05 24 00) ERROR - Downgrade protection does not seem to exist on this drive ;)...
  4. R

    DVD drive does not work in G4

    The DVD/CD drives that I have tried are: 2 Apple DVDRW DVR-104PB Lite-On DVDRW SOWH-1633S Note: All three worked before.
  5. R

    DVD drive does not work in G4

    I have an old G4 Gigabit Ethernet, 512 Kb Ram, 10.4.7 that has lost the ability to recognize DVDs. I have tried 3 different internal DVD drives, tried switching the jumpers around in each, reset PRAM and firmware, reinstalled the OS, tried 3 different internal cables and several different media...
  6. R

    System Failure

    What you had is a Kernel panic. Most of them happen once (I've had one on my Quicksilver), and never happen again after a restart. Some of them happen because of hardware. But yours you probably do not have to worry about right now.
  7. R

    Dimmed Screen Freeze

    What you have is a Kernel Panic. Usually it happens once and never happens again (I've had 1). If it happens more than once then it usually is a hardware problem, usually bad RAM. Have you added RAm recently. You can test by removing the RAM chips one by one and seeing if you get the "Dimmed...
  8. R

    Gradually slowing imac

    What Mac OS X does is create swap files if it gets low on memory, 700Mb does seem a little low, the more you run programs (and more at the same time) the machine may slow down. Might want to upgrade your hard drive/memory. A good rule I have seen in forums is there should be 15% - 25% hard drive...
  9. R

    New drive = spinning ball

    Check the drive jumpers. Usually the boot drive is set as Master, and the other drives need to be set as Slave or depending Cable Select.
  10. R

    Maxtor One Touch/Retrospect Express
  11. R

    Please Help: Backing Up iTunes Music on a Jump Drive

    Hi Amie. Usually (depending on what kind of file was chosen (mp3, wav file, etc.) and compression level) songs in iTunes average 5Mb in size (my mp3 files are between 4.5Mb - 7Mb). Your jump drive only has 500Mb, which could probably hold 90 or so songs.
  12. R

    Boring crashing problems....

    Could be, usually it is just the fonts that the system uses that gets corrupt (or the system font cache). Get the font cache cleaner (I think you can go to and dowload it, I even think it is called font cache cleaner - look for your system's version). Run that and also all...
  13. R

    Boring crashing problems....

    I have done some research and several things could be causing application to crash. The best one is that there are fonts that applications use and if missing or corrupt, or the font cache is corrupt or full, will cause multiple apps to crash. So find a font cache cleaner, download and run Onyx -...
  14. R

    Boring crashing problems....

    While I read the crash logs (thank you), try creating a new user account and log in as that.
  15. R

    Boring crashing problems....

    Open Console from Applications folder on your hard drive. It will be in the Utilities folder. When you view your logs you can select the text, copy and paste it.