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    VPC Optimization questions

    Well, the disk optimization worked in that it ran successfully, but my image is the same size as it was before. This is after I deleted 5 gigs worth of files on it and ran ERASER. I think the problem is that ERASER isn't actually 'zeroing' the empty space, but writing over it with junk data...
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    VPC Optimization questions

    OK, I *think* I might have solved the problem. It looks like if you launch your image from another drive, then shut it down, it will remain listed in your disk list until you quit VPC. If you run disk optimization at that point, it will use the HD that the image is on as the scratch disk. I'll...
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    VPC Optimization questions

    nevermind on the fixed issue. I don't have enough HD space for that either. It looks like I need to install OSX on a larger drive, install VPC, move my disk image over there, optimize it, then move everything back. Is that the only way? This is going to turn into an all night project methings. :(
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    VPC Optimization questions problem. VPC is installed on my OSX partition (30gigs). The VPC image is 11gigs. I have 8gigs free. Running the RECLAIMING ZEROED SPACE slowly eats up my scratch disk until the utility crashes. Am I screwed or is there a way around this? Is there anyway to install VPC so that...
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    VPC Optimization questions

    I've been reading some of the recent VPC optimization tips. I have a couple of questions for anyone that has done the same: (I'm going to run Win2K primarily on a G4/350 tower). Second internal HD vs. External FW drive. It sounds like the biggest way to boost VPC speed it so move the disk...
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    HELP I'm getting RUINED!

    Out of curiosity, do you have access to satellite? It seems as if ISDN isn't the best option out there these days.
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    Belkin wireless routers + cards? Any comments?

    I need to dump my NetGear wireless router. It just sucks (keeps timing out connections). So, I figured while I'm at it, I might as well upgrade to 802.11g. I found a good deal on Belkin products. I've been looking at their 802.11g router + wireless card which I can get together for $120. Has...
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    Clie + OSX.3 -- what do I need?

    So...Arden says, no, I don't need any special software, GadgetLover says, yes, I do. Anyone want to jump in as the tie-breaker? Well, Panther is on the way, so I can, of course, just try it out for myself come next week. ;o) Arden...I'm not sure how secure Palm OS 4 is vs. 3, but...
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    Clie + OSX.3 -- what do I need?

    er...Avantgo doesn't support *OSX*. Also, this thread says that there is a reply to it on the main page, but I can't see any reply anywhere. Finally, these new forums seem really buggy. I can't get a lot of it to work in IE/PC. Camino in OSX has a lot of rendering problems with tis...
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    Clie + OSX.3 -- what do I need?

    I haven't used a PDA in a few years...last time a Visor Deluxe with OS9. I recently got a Sony Clie through work and have a few questions... - what can I use to hotsync it? Palm desktop? iSync? Or do I need to buy the 'missing sync' software to use it at all? - It looks like Avantgo...
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    Sony Clie - iSync or Palm Desktop?

    I used to use a Visor Deluxe for a PDA. I haven't synced it since going to OSX (I know, I know). Anyways, I don't use it much anymore. Well, through work, I now have a Sony Clie. Nice little PDA...they've come a long way! Anyways, I was wondering what people recommend using for synching...
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    My LAN file transfers are sssllllllooooooowwwwww...

    Ah. So that's just the way it is with the airport. *sigh* Well, not a huge deal for backups, at least. I'll just use the land line for that. I am bummed that I really can't use the airport too effectively to access a file server to work off of. I do have a phone, but that should only...
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    My LAN file transfers are sssllllllooooooowwwwww...

    I have a NetGear wireless router and an Airport card in a TiBook 667. I also have a G4 desktop 350 hooked up to the router via an ethernet cable. Both running OSX.2.x Transferring files between the two is PAINFULLY slow. a 100mb file can take 10 minutes to transfer. Is this normal? It...
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    OSX crashed then gave me 600mb of HD space? does one keep swap files and caches cleared on a regular basis?
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    OSX crashed then gave me 600mb of HD space?

    The finder on my TiBook locked up. I had to force quit it but couldn't get it to terminate. So, I logged out. When I tried to log back in, it would hang, so I rebooted. My computer then sat for about 15 mintues in the start up screen (the spinning daisy) and then rebooted itself, then...
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    Changing permissions on folders while logged in as someone else.

    I completely agree that the user restrictions is a good thing. I'm just frustrated that there isn't a simple way to temporarily override the locked file by entering in the username and password for it. I think my problem is that I'm trying to modify files that are not only not owned by the...
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    Eudora 6 vs.

    Well, it's time to upgrade the ol' mail client again. About a year ago, I went looking for a new email app. I tried Powermail, Mailsmith,, a few open source apps, Entorauge, etc. I finally went back to Eudora 5, simply because it seemed to have the most stable mail storage format...
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    Changing permissions on folders while logged in as someone else.

    To clarify, I'm booting in to a new install of OSX and want to move files that exist on a different install of OSX on a different partition.