Search results

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    Hard drive back up options (looking for affordable drive options)

    I'm notoriously lazy when it comes to making CD backups of my data. So...I'm going to use HDs instead. Here's what I'd like to to do: - Get a 120gig HD for the desktop G4. This will be backup drive for the G4's main drive (40gig) and the TiBook's drive (30gig) plus extra space as a file...
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    Can I get a linksys USB wireless adaper to work with OSX?

    I received a Linksys USB Wireless Network Adapter as a gift. I'd like to use it on my desktop G4 to connect to our wireless network, but it appears that Linksys does not offer any Mac drivers. Does anyone know if/how to get this working with a Mac? I've been googling for a bit and haven't...
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    How do I share a non OSX volume?

    Another paid update? Dammit, apple. It's getting so much easier to switch to another platform. Well, I did get Jaguar with my laptop. Maybe it'll find its way over to the desktop...
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    How do I share a non OSX volume?

    dixon! That made a bit of progress! If I type in the IP address of the machine, I can mount the other volumes. Of course, I can't SEE anything on that volume, but at least I have it mounted. I'm making some progress... ;o) Maybe I can get sharepoints to work on it now. As for the...
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    How do I share a non OSX volume?

    (BTW, thanks for being patient Bob and Dixon. I do appreciate the help...even though I'm ranting in here ;o)
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    How do I share a non OSX volume?

    Ugh. This isn't good. Now I get a "An error has occurred (error = -36)" message when trying to connect to the desktop. So, heading over to Apple's site, I find that this error has something to do with connecting to a web server that isn't running WebDAV. WTF?
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    How do I share a non OSX volume?

    well, here's a possible related problem. Right now I have two machines on the network. My laptop, and the desktop. From either computer, when I go to CONNECT TO SERVER, the desktop show up 11 times, all with a different IP address. Of course, only one of these are the actual machine. I...
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    How do I share a non OSX volume?

    bobw: When you do that, how are they actually shared? What users can see them? Or are they now open to anyone and everyone on the network? dixonbm: I'll check out the permissions tonight (i'm not at home at the moment). When you say your drive is available to be shared by default, what do...
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    How do I share a non OSX volume?

    Bob: That looks like I'm modifying the Samba Config file, correct? What does this section do?: ---------------- [volumes] comment = CDs, disk images and network volumes path = /Volumes writable = yes ---------------- It looks like I'm making a volume writeable. is the path =...
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    How do I share a non OSX volume?

    dixonbm: Yea, just over the LAN. bobw: Ahhhh! What the hell is all of that?! (Just kidding...thanks for the info) This is just ridiculous, though, that OSX has completely broken the basic concept of file sharing. I'm about to just get a damned PC so I can actually do this...
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    How do I share a non OSX volume?

    I asked about Sharepoints in another thread, but didn't get a response, so I thought I'd generalize the question a bit more to see what my options are out there. I have a desktop G4 with two dard drives. The boot-up drive containes OS 10.1.5. The other is simply a storage drive (mainly for...
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    Mac - PC network

    You can share printers...with some work...
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    How do I get sharepoints working?

    I'm using a TiBook with Jaguar and want to share a HD on my desktop that is running OS 10.1.5 So, on my desktop G4, I installed Sharepoints 2 (since I'm not using Jaguar yet) and shared this folder that is on my archive drive. This isn't the same drive as OSX is on...which I'm thinking may be...
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    HenWen vs. SunShield

    Anyone using HenWen or SunShield for Firewall GUIs? Trying them out now and was just wondering what the pros and cons were (maybe from someone with a better grasp of OSX security...)
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    Anyone download and install OpenOffice?

    I've been trying to download the OSX beta of OpenOffice but the MacUpdate site (the 'official' site in the US) continually either drops the connection or completes with a corrupted archive. I'm trying a few foreign mirrors, but they are just a *bit* slow...anyone know of any US mirrors and/or...
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    Two Wireless Problems ('lost' computers + slowness)

    Per a recommendation, I upgraded the routers ROM. That seemed to help. Is there a monitoring program that logs network activity to possible figure out where the hangup is?
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    Two Wireless Problems ('lost' computers + slowness)

    Why was this thread moved? I had a hell of a time finding it. And is this really a cross platform issue? This appears to be an OSX and NetGear issue.
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    Two Wireless Problems ('lost' computers + slowness)

    Ok...I've narrowed the problem down to the router itself. A reboot brought my internet speeds WAY back up, and I can now see the other machine on the network. I'll give it a few days and see if it needs another reboot. This may get annoying...
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    I want to get a mac, help plz

    I'm running OSX (Jaguar) on a TiBook 667 with 512 mb of ram and OSX still feels sluggish to me. My G4350 seems to run OSX only marginally slower, so I'd guess that the laptop architecture isn't quite what it is on the desktops. Either way, I wouldn't get anything slower than a 350 G4. (the...
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    Two Wireless Problems ('lost' computers + slowness)

    I have a G4/350 desktop and a TiBook/667 with an Airport Card. I'm running a Netgear router. The G4 is hooked up to the router via ethernet, and the TiBook is using the wireless set up (with WEP on). The TiBook is running Jaguar, the G4, 10.1.3, I believe. I'm having two problems...