Search results

  1. N

    applications OS X could use that Windows has

    I occasionally run across special targeted applications that only run on windows. As far as commercial apps I can't think of one I'd like to see ported over. There are plenty of word processors, spread sheets, browsers, etc. on both platforms. If I had to use a PC I would sorely miss the...
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    file sharing won't stay on

    Suggestion. Turn off file sharing, delete the preferences file for it and then restart. If the preferences file is garbled OS X may not be able to start up file sharing. Having said that, I confess I don't know which file to delete. There is a SharingPref.prefpane in the System folder Library...
  3. N

    digital camera memory question

    Well, 8 * 16 is 128 so you could estimate 128 pictures. If you look at the sizes of the pictures you will see they run a little less than 500kb which is how they derive the estimate.
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    Would it be a good thing if Microsoft disappeared ?

    Nothing personal, but it would be an excellent thing if MS disappeared. It would open up a lot competitive forces in the market. Ideally, you would see lots of open standards for documents (like .pdf, png, .jpg) which could be shared across many platforms and applications. Have a diverse...
  5. N

    Shift-Comand-N for new folder in OSX desktop

    This is one of my pet peeves with OS X. I never use command-N to open a new window. I often want to make a new folder. What I used to do was hit command-N, stare dumbly at the window I didn't want, slap myself on the forehead, close the window then type shift-command-N to create the folder I...
  6. N

    Which browser do you use for primary?

    Omniweb is my main browser. The number of sites it can't handle has become virtually zero for me. For those rare cases I use Netscape. For a few special features I use iCab. I use it for automated page access via Applescript and I use it to save whole pages or sites.
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    Speculation: iMac widescreen

    Here in Japan there are already a number of wide aspect ratio flat screens for consumers from Sony, Fujitsu and maybe some others. They are not all-in-one machines but are sold as packages. Some have speakers built into the display.
  8. N

    AAC + iTunes

    You two are mixing file sizes and bit rates. The bit rate refers to the rate the information is sent speakers. As you pointed out by your calculations, this is a lot of data for audio. If there were no compression of the data the audio files would be huge. Art and science are applied to make...
  9. N

    Next iApp?

    there are a few more possibilities. 1. Video conferencing. Now that people have broadband, and fast computers this could be a neat part of QT. For those on dial up connections how about just a shared white board and chat window? 2. Some kind of music app for home musicians? Not a pro-sumer...
  10. N one thinks they have a good printer for OS X?

    We've used the following very nicely in OS X. Epson PM-3000c Epson PM-3500c Epson PM-4000cx All are A3 size printers. They work as advertised though there is room for growth. OS X doesn't yet accommodate custom page sizes, for one. By the way, the PM-4000cx is incredible. This uses an...
  11. N

    How-To serve website behind DHCP address.

    Sounds like you've already solved everything but the non-static IP address issue. Here is how I tackled that. I wrote an Applescript that looks at to get the WAN address. When you contact that site it sends back a page including your IP address. I extract the IP address...
  12. N

    OmniWeb 4.1 beta 7 released

    Sorry if you've already tried this but I'd suggest trying to start with a clean slate. Quit OW. Go to the Library folder in your home directory. Open Application Support. Move the OmniWeb folder to the trash. Restart OW and see if it works OK. If it does and you don't need the...
  13. N problem

    Reading between the lines I guess you are complaining that the XP machine can read your email? addresses are just standard email accounts. If you supply an address and a password you should be able to download email using any email client. iTools and special browsers are only...
  14. N

    OmniWeb 4.1 beta 7 released

    Just a note about CPU cycles. I recently was doing some downloading via iCab. I had one window open with links and the download manager window as open. When the download manager window was the front window CPU usage was near 100%. If the link window was open it was near zero. A few hours later I...
  15. N

    iBook vs Powerbook G4

    If you will only have one computer and that is a laptop then probably you want the TiBook. If you have a desktop and just need the laptop as a second machine then the iBook looks more attractive. The TiBook is ahead of the iBook in hard core machine functions (CPU, HD, RAM, screen size, bus...
  16. N

    networking iMAc and PC

    I've done it. You setup a folder with sharing privileges for yourself with an ID and password. From the Mac Finder select GO / Connect to server (shortcut is command-K). Enter smb://workgroup;username@netbiosname/share Look here for more details...
  17. N

    Technote on copy protected cd's

    The anti-copyright law says you can't reverse engineer anything which is used for copyright protection. This is how they went after the programmers who were making software to allow them to view DVDs on Linux. You would think that you could buy a product and use it as you like. Not so. There...
  18. N

    Want to see an opensource app for Mac...?

    Coaster is a great, free program for OS 9 which records to audio to disk. It has several neat features the best of which is that is extensively scriptable by AppleScript. This means that with Applescript and a script scheduler you can make unattended recordings and save them as files with...
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    formac studio capture resolution?

    I couldn't find anything documented. They just released a new version of the OS X software. It seems nice. I tried recording a QT movie at the largest size. QT says that the normal size is 720 x 480 but it plays it back at 640 x 480. Can't figure that out. One thing about this I have yet to...
  20. N

    formac studio capture resolution?

    The highest resolution is something like 700 x 500. Sorry I can't recall the exact numbers. It will do this for TV as well as video in. Check their website for more details.