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    need help with CSS and XHTML layout

    Okay, I have this site done in CSS and XHTML, but I am having troubles with an image becoming shows it has a link all around the edges of the images, but not on the image itself...I am at a is everything for it...It is the logo on the top of the page that isn't working...
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    Applescript question...

    I am trying to get an applescript to run, but really have no clue what I am doing. What I want to do is have it open a set of images in Imageready and apply an action to them...then save it appropriately. I just want it basically open it, run the action, save it, and close it...thats about it...
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    Why go Intel?

    If you look at the recent rumors surrounding apple releasing a home media device the move to intel makes more sense. Intel does a lot of things that never make the light of day because they can't get the industry behind it. This how USB was initially; intel couldn't get anyone behind it. The...
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    Image resizing app?

    if your just looking to re-size images you can always either just iPhoto or preview to do it for you...Preview has some basic scaling and even cropping abilities built within it. If you need something else...I would go for Photoshop Elements...
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    optimizing JPEG's in automator...

    I have a script that uses Photoshop actions and automator to automatically re-size and save out JEPG's. I start out with an optimized JPEG using the save for web option. When I make subsequent JEPGS they are much larger in size...some times double. Is there a way to get them to be as...
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    Moving automater workflows

    I created an automater workflow for our photographer to quickly re-size images and then email then to their client. It runs fine on my machine, but then I move it to his dies. It stops on certain actions. If I come back to my machine it works properly. Is there a trick to moving...
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    Mac Mail

    you search for the old mailbox file and see if it is still there. If it is not you SOL...
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    Firewire not working, mac only sees one cpu

    Looks like it might be time to take it in for service. With what you have been saying the outlook for your machine doesn't seem to good.
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    Weird Characters and webkit....Tiger

    I narrowed it down to a bad font...and having duplicates trying to over-write each works now...
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    Weird Characters and webkit....Tiger

    all the fonts are there and active...I checked that out and also verified permissions, etc. still looking for the culprit...
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    Weird Characters and webkit....Tiger

    I have noticed that since I have upgraded from Tiger I now get weird characters when words are in italics. It seems to only happen in Apps that use WebKit: PulpFiction and Safari. It also only happens with italicized can make reading some webpages almost impossible. Anyone have an...
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    How do I open .7z files in Tiger?

    glad you got it to work for you...The Terminal can be your friend...but it can also be complicated...
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    outlook addresses to address book

    You can just import those into address book with the CSV file...under file->import. I know this is how it works on Tiger...not sure if it is the same way on Panther or whatever OS you might be running...
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    How do I open .7z files in Tiger?

    your doing nothing won't give you a confirmation on what your doing. Don't type the %...
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    outlook addresses to address book

    you can always start using Dreamweaver, but if you use any Frontpage will up a creek. The files aren't really PC files at all if they are for the web...I am sure they are jut standard .html files...correct?
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    How do I open .7z files in Tiger?

    Those commands make it so you can just run it without having to put the full path of the unstuffing program when you want to run it. It doesn't do anything unusual to your machine, but make it easier to run those commands. Just type them exactly how he has them and you'll be fine...Just make...
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    Entourage 10 "recently used" export

    Can you just copy the preferences of the Microsoft User Data Folder to the new machine?
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    Palm V not syncing...

    I got it work...I missed a step when I set this up...
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    Palm V not syncing...

    I have a user that has an old Palm V thats hooked into a G4 by a serial to USB adaptor. This use to work in 9, but has stopped working with the move to OS X. I am wondering if it is the Serial adaptor or is it something to do with Palm? Any clues?
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    All my fonts are gone...

    I'm not adding them into my previous System Folders...I have been adding them into my current System Folder...