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  1. scott


    Betcha Admiral wins the iMacquarium. He can use to grow us all squid for calamari.
  2. scott

    I love it! Wheeeeee! (again)

    I'll bet wheeeendows users never have this much fun. I like the new wheee better anyway. I can just picture the app trying to get attentions saying "Me, me ,me!!! Look at me!, hey assh*le, are you paying attention? Look at meeeeeeee!"
  3. scott

    Routing on OS X

    By spending your money on a router, you only purchase ONE address from your IP and they cannot have any say whether you rout tour connection or not. In fact, they won't be able to tell. The router requests one address from the ISP and the only thing they might see is that a different piece of...
  4. scott


    I'm pretty sure it's wheeebola. Or ghengwheee fever Or H.I.Wheeee
  5. scott

    Setting up OSX for the Internet

    Yeah, what he said.... It's harder to maintain a DHCP connection on my OSX machine that any 9.x (or even 7.6.1 for that matter) machine. I'm no expert, but could it be to do with when the system requests an IP address from the DHCP server?
  6. scott

    Routing on OS X

    I am a huge fan of physical routers. Linksys makes one with a four port hub built in. Setup is a breeze, they are relatively cheap ($120?) and I have only had ONE out of TWENTY need any sort of maintenance. Free up your machine, and spread the bandwidth wealth all in one swoop. You will only...
  7. scott


    Maybe it'll progress into a wheee-zing cough.
  8. scott

    Code-wheeed virus

    Maybe it'll turn into a wheee-zing cough. P.S. Addition - I can't delete this post, so ignore it. It belongs elsewhere.
  9. scott


    Wheee! LOL
  10. scott

    I love it! Wheeeeee! (again)

    I'm too busy/lazy to look for this elsewhere, but this makes me say wheee! all over again. I could sit for hours (days?) and watch (or whatever) try to get my attention when I'm in another app. It's like a little pissed off kid having a tantrum. Whee!
  11. scott


    Admiral probably secretly watched us from a Greek internet cafe for a whole two weeks, too. He's Waaaatchiiing.........
  12. scott

    Apple Store Canada

    Thanks!! I ordered 10.1 (FULL RETAIL) mere hours after it was announced, but somewhere along the line, the Apple Store Canada site was not updated. So...... as I began ordering 10.1, i was shipped a 10.0. Common, I'm sure, as the Canada site is well behind I guess that is the price...
  13. scott

    DP 450, major problems, need help and advice badly!

    I myself use Quark for everything, but hey ad builders LOVE creator.
  14. scott

    DP 450, major problems, need help and advice badly!

    Right on. Hey, if your a graphic designer, let me ask you a question- What layout software do you use? I use Quark for page layout, Multi-Ad Creator for ad layout. I have to decide whether to go to Creator 6 from 4 or switch to Quark or InDesign for a LOT of people. ' Creator is an...
  15. scott

    Coffee Coffee Coffee!!!!!!!!

    I do, I do!
  16. scott

    DP 450, major problems, need help and advice badly!

    sandbagger is totally correct - nobody clued in that this happened to two separate HDDs at once. This obviously leads to a wiring issue, a power issue, or a board issue - not a directory or software issue. We batted this around all wrong because we didn't read the post correctly. Makes me...
  17. scott

    The last few days.....

    Yeah, I ordered 10.1 full retail from Apple Store Canada the day it was announced. Clicked on the Buy Now, etc.... - somewhere along the ordering process the website update wasn;t complete cause I got it today and it was A FUC*ING 10.0!!! Oh, I was SO pissed off. I realize now that I...
  18. scott

    What's Your Age Again?

  19. scott

    DP 450, major problems, need help and advice badly!

    Norton used to be awesome, but now they can't seem to put out a product that would be reliable on more than one revision of machine. Norton 6 seems better at first glance. DO NOT use a norton prior to 6 on an X partition. Tech Tool is my favourite for non-x partitions, even though it...
  20. scott

    DP 450, major problems, need help and advice badly!

    Exactly. A good whack has saved me many a drive's data. But remember ONLY do that if the drive IS getting power and NOT clicking at spin-up. Otherwise you;re just beating your drive up. Most repair software WILL see extremelly messed up drives. For example, in Norton you can say "Show missing...