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  1. B


    While you're doing your homework, please make one crucial observation. You will without a doubt find many accounts of "the early days". Not all these accounts will be the same. As a matter of fact, the amount of variation is quite startling. They run the gamut from "Apple steals from Xerox...
  2. B


    Ugh, must we go over this again and again. Microsoft did not steal the gui from Apple. Both Apple AND Microsoft copied many of the ideas for how gui's should work from Xerox PARC. AAMOF, several of the PARC people left Xerox in disgust when they refused to put any real effort into...
  3. B

    10.2.6 released!

    can't seem to find the kb article, but I seem to remember it saying that the only change was support for one of the newer Sony-Ericsson phones.
  4. B


    Entirely depends on what you mean by "built-in". Win95 certainly shipped with IE, now how much of IE was monolithic and how much of it was broken out into COM components, I don't know. Remember that "built-in" simply means that there are parts of what we know as IE that are available as COM...
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    They are not necessarily the same underlying code (they might be now, but they weren't back when the active desktop was first released). Note that it is possible to embed IE functionality in any app. Microsoft uses this extensively (and is really what they mean when they claim that they can't...
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    PPC970 at WWDC

    If the rumours are correct and the systems are supposed to ship wwdc timeframe, there had better be systems out there other than in Cupertino. At a minimum there would have been developer systems out there for months. Any systems reaching peoples hands right now should be based on actually...
  7. B

    PPC970 at WWDC

    Just out of curiosity, what do you mean about Altivec not being everything it was hyped up to be? Did you find that apps that were built to take advantage of Altivec were not performing better than those that weren't? Did the speed increase not warrant the price differential?
  8. B

    Compiling a simple .c file on Unix Terminal

    change your definition of main to: int main(int argc,char *argv[]) and at the end of main put: return 0; and remove the double sets of brackets (this shouldn't hurt, but they're not needed).
  9. B

    Apple sells 275000 tracks in 18 hours

    There is an article on (also being discussed on that states that Apple had sold 275000 tracks in the first 18hours of opening the iTunes Music Store.
  10. B

    Mac Database Technology And Programming

    Well generically it would be a very good idea to learn SQL and some of the broader concepts of enterprise level database workings (e.g. transaction management, online backups, etc). This can be done with any SQL server out there. Then you can see where the winds take you. As for whether...
  11. B

    just VALUATION of my PowerMac Cube

    Sorry, the Mac Plus was not the first Mac. That would be the "Macintosh" (that's what it says on the back). The Plus was the third Mac (sorta). Macintosh (128K), Mac 512 (512K), and then the Plus (1MB). There were some variations in the first two (e.g. the "fat" Mac), but those were the...
  12. B


    M$ never "stole" code. And they are no more guilty than Apple when it comes to "borrowing" the idea of a gui (or at least some major concepts). As for buying companies and "passes software off as their own", uh, what would you have them do after buying the company? Once they bought the...
  13. B

    128 AAC vs 128 MP3

    No, 128kbs is the bit _rate_ and _not_ a measure of size. The compression ratio is related, but not the same thing. If you have a higher bit rate, you are storing more data per given time frame, which means that you have to compress more data for given time frame. So a higher bitrate sample...
  14. B

    How many Macs do you have?

    Any prizes for the most ;) Desktop Mac XL (aka Lisa2) Macintosh (the original) Mac128 (after the 512 was released) Mac512 FatMac (a 128 that was upgraded to 512) Plus SE SE/30 Classic ClassicII IIfx IIci IIvx LC LCII Quadra 750 UMax S900 Portables Outbound (model#...
  15. B

    Advice on file io in c++

    A more c'esque way would be to: #include "stdio.h" // should use brackets here, but quotes will work // we will overwrite the existing file here // use "a" instead of "w" to append instead outputFile = fopen(outputFileName,"w"); // error checking here if (outputFile == 0) {...
  16. B

    Is world peace possible?

    You're forgetting one of the troublesome scenerio's, when attaining X is detremental to Y. This isn't a simple matter of something directly intervening, it's when the desire of one comes at the detrement to the other. It's this drive for "happiness" that _causes_ the problems. Actually it...
  17. B

    How do you feel about Linux

    Well keep in mind that the area where Linux really is competing with Windoze is in the server space, where issues like you mentioned aren't really an issue (at least as not as big of an issue). No matter what any Linux nerd will tell you, it has a LOOOOONG way to go before it becomes viable as...
  18. B

    Is world peace possible?

    I was kidding, you know, a topical joke, ha ha, one that could have been delivered by either camp, oh never mind. Back on topic. I don't see how anyone can seriously believe that a concept like "world peace" can be achieved. When you look at international agressors, how are their actions...
  19. B

    iPod ? An American Icon

    Which of course brings up another American icon (well actually not really just an American icon) and that's music piracy. Funny how his cousin has never purchased a cd yet has a huge music collection. I guess most of his collection was purchased then downloaded online and/or free music ;)...
  20. B

    Is world peace possible?

    Of course world peace is possible.... Once the US is done taking over most of it ;) ::ha:: :p :D Sorry, couldn't resist. ::angel::