


I really hope this is what the new Windows OS looks like. Wow. I thought XP was ugly, but now Microsoft is going out of its way to ruin the user interface. I have been a windows user all of my life, and still use it, but I can't see myself using this. Anyone else think this is the ugliest UI they've ever seen?
Well, I'd hold off on judgement of the look of the GUI - usually that's the last thing to be finalized. What worries me about Longhorn is all that DRM goodness MS is stuffing it with... And if Apple goes all DRM too, well... Hopefully, by then Linux will be a useful desktop OS...

Regards / GulGnu

-Stabil som fan!
Originally posted by Captain Code
MS is obsessed with that horrible blue colour.

yea, and they seem to like mixing it with the colors it goes the least good together with.
The only thing I notice about the screenshot posted by mightyjlr is the following: I don't understand a damn thing of what's going on.
And true, this blue obsession is sickening.

Longhorn will be, IMHO, a perfect Microsoft product. Falsely elegant, falsely practical, falsely new.
Gee guys. It looks alot like WindowsXP...except everything seems flatter and well, ALOT more blue-ish. Oh! And there is that side bar off to the right. *sigh* I wonder if Microsoft will ever come out with a completly new OS.

Speaking of different OS's...maybe one day there will be an OS that looks Completly different from any other OS out there. One that doesnt have a menu bar or stores files differently than in "folders", like most all OS's use now-a-days (not to say that the current OS with it's menu bars and folders arn't efficent...I like them that way.) Heh, Im thinking way into the future....
I've heard of a couple OS's in development attempting to shift the computing paradigm away from desktops and files and folders. Didn't get into specifics, but they sounded interesting.
Microsoft can't afford to go to an entirely new GUI.

It will alienate 75% of their user base... of course these are the less technicaly inclined 75% but they are users none the less.
These are the people that freak out when a shortcut is missing from their desktop (Don't laugh, it happens quite frequently :( )

People want the latest and greatest in the OS department, Even thought they don't need it, although they don't want to have to relearn everything that they already know.
At least Longhorn doesn't seem to have any of that sour apple eye candy that XP has, even if it's a little (snicker) heavy on the sour blueberry.

I think if you want an OS that's radically different from anything we're used to, it should incorporate interactive holograms, something like the shuttle controls on "Earth: Final Conflict."
Here are some more screenshots:

Doesn't look to different from XP to me...
Fortunatly MS still lets you choose how the OS looks like, they have a silvery theme included (At least in XP) and you can choose to use the Classic GUI.

If they manage to get some really good multitasking into Longhorn (At least TaskBar no more part of Explorer.exe) I don't care what the GUI looks like (Well, umm... maybe I change my mind if I see the final version of the GUI :confused: )
The only thing I notice about the screenshot posted by mightyjlr is the following: I don't understand a damn thing of what's going on.
And true, this blue obsession is sickening.

Longhorn will be, IMHO, a perfect Microsoft product. Falsely elegant, falsely practical, falsely new.
Very true ... There's a taskbar, and another taskbar on the right and a menubar at the top, and under that an app-specific menubar, and two more menubars, and the start menu/panel and a whole lot of buttons and icons and , well ... quite clear, no?

The last time I had such an ultimately cluttered screen was when I had Gnome and VPC running at the same time ... fortunately at least they had different colors and window mangers ... in the Longhorn everything is just straight blue ... never heard of color coding and ergonomics, huh?
who cares about long horn ? i dont ;)

i care bout panther

(btw . that longhorn thing looks ugly )
That was a good last word for an unneeded thread, tsizKEIK, thank you. Hello! We're APPLE News & Rumours here. ;-)
Originally posted by fryke
That was a good last word for an unneeded thread, tsizKEIK, thank you. Hello! We're APPLE News & Rumours here. ;-)

I don't know Fryke! :( For SO long we have people here posting anything about Wintel... I don't agree with this but maybe www.macosx.com should consider a thread with name of something like this?: Wintel News & Rumours

I am bored to come every now and then here only to find "news" about Wintel...

Maybe a new site rule will put people in their place? :rolleyes:
lets make this post a bit more useful ....

any1 care to explain why the fonts look that bad on iTunes4 ???
What cracks me up the most is that they codenamed it "Milestone 5." Where are the other Milestones?

Would they be listed something like this?

1. Microsoft steals code from Apple and Xerox in the early 80s.

2. Microsoft buys out its first company; passes the software off as its own.

3. Microsoft buys out its thirtieth company; passes the software off as its own.

4. Microsoft buys out its fiftieth company; passes the software off as its own.
tsizKEIK: I don't see how putting that in here will make this thread more useful. If you would just look around, this hs already been answered: make sure in the General section of System Prefs that you have anti-aliasing turned on down to at least 9 pts. That should fix it.
Originally posted by kalantna
What cracks me up the most is that they codenamed it "Milestone 5." Where are the other Milestones?

Would they be listed something like this?

1. Microsoft steals code from Apple and Xerox in the early 80s.

2. Microsoft buys out its first company; passes the software off as its own.

3. Microsoft buys out its thirtieth company; passes the software off as its own.

4. Microsoft buys out its fiftieth company; passes the software off as its own.

M$ never "stole" code. And they are no more guilty than Apple when it comes to "borrowing" the idea of a gui (or at least some major concepts).

As for buying companies and "passes software off as their own", uh, what would you have them do after buying the company? Once they bought the company, it IS their own by definition right? Plus, lets see, Apple buys NeXT, NeXTStep becomes basis for their next gen OS. Apple uses open source web browser, uses it as basis for new browser. Apple "leverages" many free open source packages (e.g. Samba) in their new OS.

Micro$oft may not be the poster child for fair play and the highest quality software, but if you're gonna blast them, please use much better examples.
What else would you expect from a cow but a big pile of bull sh**? I think it looks like some ugly-ass bad Kaleidoscope scheme, personally.