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  1. zots

    A couple Q's

    Thanks for the reply. I worked with the window resizing problem all day. I used what you gave me and it animates and everything, but I still have the same problem: it resizes at the top. Here is my code: [[sender window] setFrame:NSMakeRect(NSMinX([[sender window] frame]),NSMinY([[sender...
  2. zots

    Cocoa Newbie needs help with Document Window

    First, try trashing ~/Library/Preferences/ If that doesn't get it back, there is always reinstall.
  3. zots

    A couple Q's

    I am rewriting an app in cocoa, that I originally wrote in RB. It looks like this: You enter whatever transactions and they will update in the lower window. Then you do file>>save and it write the preference file which looks like this: My first question; I want to know what you think...
  4. zots

    Search and replace string

    its in page 2 of the above mentioned article or here: NSMutableString *alphabet = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString:@"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"]; [alphabet...
  5. zots

    Q3 Mod Making source is available for the freeze tag mod
  6. zots

    Coding help If you can scrape up some cash I recommend getting a book for PHP.
  7. zots

    starwars in terminal

    Not too long ago somebody posted some Starwars thing you could watch in the terminal. I never had a chance to check it out, could someone repost whatever it was?
  8. zots

    file permissions

    Blast! I did chmod 777 /Guest/Public and it wasn't working, I didn't realize you had to logout. Thanks.
  9. zots

    file permissions

    I have two users set-up on OS X: admin and guest. I let people have the guest name/PW so they can FTP. Why is it that when I'm logged in as admin I can not put files in /Users/Guest/Public/? I know I can sudo mv the file from terminal but I would prefer to use the GUI. TIA
  10. zots

    Do comments slow down your program?

    like you said, the compiler ignores them.
  11. zots

    Newbie question

    i installed it a while ago, and if i remember correctly there should be a RunMacGimp file in Applications/
  12. zots

    file i/o help

    with a lucky search for NSFileHandle on yahoo i found some code and figured it out. NSFileHandle *aFile; NSData *aData; aFile = [NSFileHandle fileHandleForReadingAtPath:@"/Applications/test.txt"]; aData = [aFile readDataToEndOfFile]; now i that i have the file data stored in aData, how...
  13. zots

    file i/o help

    in my app i need to read/write data to some sort of preference file. NSFileHandle seems to be what i need. below i am trying to simply read all the data of the file into an NSData. the second line instantiates the NSFileHandle w/o error, but i am unsure of what the object/receiver(xxxxx)...
  14. zots

    break; from an action

    is there a way to break out of an action. for example when a button is clicked in my cocoa app, it calls an action with some if statements that check the values in textfields. if the values are invalid an alert comes up and then i want it to skip the rest of the code until the textfield is...
  15. zots

    NSMatrix properties

    i think i was just looking for selectedCell. i missed it when looking through the NSMatrix documentation.
  16. zots

    NSMatrix properties

    in my project i am using 4 radio buttons in a column, when i click on them in IB, the classes panel shows that they are an NSMatrix object. so i looked up NSMatrix in PB help and it showed me all the methods available. in my program i will need to determine which radio button of the 4 is the...
  17. zots

    understanding objective c

    thanks for the responses, i took your advice and began reading the objective C tutorial in Documentation/. in this code, i think they described height: as being a label. so i know that this method is available to instances of its class(-), it is called setWidth, its arguments are a float...
  18. zots

    How did you learn Cocoa?

    hi, i'm trying to learn cocoa as well. my background is a lot of scripting languages, VB, and some basic c++. i've got two good resources to get you on your feet. if you list all the articles there are quite a few written by mike beam about cocoa/objective c i...
  19. zots

    understanding objective c

    im trying to understand the syntax of objective c. right now i'm doing the cocoa tutorials on oreillynet my question is about this method declaration: - (NSData *)dataRepresentationOfType:(NSString *)aType can someone...
  20. zots

    Number 1 reason I love MacOSX.

    php is not difficult to learn at all. i really love it, especially compared to cgi/perl.