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  1. J

    Epson - why no uproar ?

    I sugest if you buy a printer that does not work with your OS of choice, TAKE IT BACK!!!! The best way to get developers to write drivers for there devices is to not buy them if they dont fully work. Dont settle for a work around by moving the files to your XP box!! There are LOTS of GOOD...
  2. J

    Is iDisk slow as molasses for everyone else too?

    afp:// works WAY better for me than using the iDisk icon. I guess we will have to see if apple fixes there WebDav support...
  3. J

    .avi video HELP!

    Its floating around out there some place... I should think it will be out (officialy) fairly soon... From what I've heard it works fairly well...
  4. J

    Problem with Toast beta 2 under os x.1

    This is funny:) Hopefully you are just trying to use the drive to read from for creating disk images?? I havnt tryed it myself, but I would recomend using Disk Copy. It works great for making Images, and even mounts/burns images created in Toast or Windows ISO images. Even strange custom...
  5. J

    Finder CD Burning - Disc to Disc?

    To copy a Disk (Audio or otherwise) use "Disk Copy" Make a disk image of your audio CD, then sellect "burn image" from the image menu... Locate the image you just created, and hit OK. Your done.
  6. J

    Is iDisk slow as molasses for everyone else too?

    Odd, I just mounted my iDisk, but got a message that said my username or pasword was incorect and my iDisk could not be mounted.. It gave me an option to edit my settings .. I hit cancel. Then My iDisk mounted I guess someone at Apple is doing some work on things:)
  7. J

    Is iDisk slow as molasses for everyone else too?

    Ya, it uses WebDav now, so it wont time out on you. But it deffinatly does bog down the Finder when it gets a directory listing for the first time. Once you navigate all the volumes, it is very fast, because it "Caches" the contents. This is actualy a BAD thing, because I dont see when someone...
  8. J

    I don't want another Linux

    Do a reinstall Of OSX and select reformat drive. Install X on an HFS drive. You can also open drive setup after booting from the installer CD (X) and do a custom partition...
  9. J

    unwanted user at login

    There is no need to "hack" things. If you want to log in as "root" just select "other" in the login pane of System prefs. You can also choose to not show any user names and just have the text field. As for creating users for system resources like Mysql, DONT USE the user pane in Sytem Prefs...
  10. J

    IP-over-IEEE1394 and OS X 10.1

    Fast Ethernet   100 Mbps FireWire 400 Mbps Gigabit 1000 Mbps Most macs come with Gigabit. Why would you want to use FireWire for your network, when you have a faster option that was BUILT for networking? Ethernet cables are much cheaper than FireWire cables.
  11. J

    10.1 release slower then 5g27 on my dual

    Try a clean install. Somthing must be messed up. Final blazes on my 533 with only 384 meg of ram. 2-3 bounce max for ANYTHING.
  12. J

    Vote on the color of this site!

    Would those of us that would rather these forums be ANY other color than Orange please let the admins of this forum know My vote: PLEASE CHANGE
  13. J

    OS X 10.1 complaints... STRAIGHT FROM APPLE

    Just for the record, most apps on my iBook (2usb) launch in 2-3 bounces at most. This of corse is not the first time I have launched the apps, as I have not rebooted my laptop in days :D (I love the way it just works moving between my Office Lan, and my home DSL connection WITHOUT EVER...