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  1. Javintosh

    IP over Firewire

    I just want to point out that IP over FireWire = Rendevous over firewire. FW2 = a mmuch longer cable distance. This would dovetail nicely with Philips talking about rendevous-enabled receivers that would let you stream your MP3s from your mac. It would also dovetail nively with...
  2. Javintosh

    jaguar crash proof or spoof?

    I just read a note somewhere. apparently, sometimes the force quit window does nto pop up to the front. Next time this happens (if it happens at all after the reload), try hitting the return key after cmd-option escape.
  3. Javintosh

    Stuffing files?

    DropStuff is free, but it asks you to register it every time you use it. Extremely annoying if you ask me.... That's the main reason I switched to zippist
  4. Javintosh

    Stuffing files?

    I use Zippist. You drag and drop the files/folders onto it (I keep it in the finder's toolbar), it will launch, create a zip file and quit without the annoying dialog boxes from stuffit. You should keep in mind that the zip format will strip out resource forks.
  5. Javintosh

    Why use Open Source? (was Mozilla 1.2)

    you can also trust open source software more than closed source software. you might not be able to review open source code for hidden nasties, but someone else can and you benefit from it. I remember reading a story in The Register about open vs closed source. They pointed out to some piece...
  6. Javintosh

    CD Tray Password lock, does it exist?

    There are key mapping utilities out there (check, I've seen them, but I have not neded them). You might be able to map the eject key to something else. if that won't work you'll most likely have to use an external cd drive that can be locked in a drawer or something like that.
  7. Javintosh

    ARTICLE: Apple keeps the torch lit with Marklar (x86)

    I don't think x86 is a good idea for apple. Why? well, the choices are really AMD and Intel. Both are so deep in Microsoft's grasp that they would put apple deep into Microsoft's grasp as well. MS has apple by the balls with MS Office. There is no need to tighten MS's grip on Apple's future...
  8. Javintosh

    Battle of the Browsers

    how do bookmark keywords work on chimera? I have not seen them...
  9. Javintosh

    The latest build of Chimera is nearly prefect.

    I saw the browser review and was disappointed because they used Chimera .5 and also (given the reports of crashing) they did not appear to have used the flash plugin that fixed the crashing bug. Chimera .6 and the new flash plug make a *huge* difference. more importantly, if you have a site...
  10. Javintosh

    Meet the Board of Directors... who are they and what do they have to do with us?

    can you say Apple Store/Apple's retail strategy? :rolleyes:
  11. Javintosh

    AMD new licensee, Apple

    Microsoft's success stems from their monopoly. Didn't you read about their SEC filings? Aside from their OS and Office monopolies, MS is bleeding money everywhere...
  12. Javintosh

    Chimera 0.6 is out!

    MacLuv hmmm. I though that Australia was the only country that tried the rabbit-proof fence bit... I guess there is no IQ test for getting a VISA. => The question is then, did Australia export the idea to New Zeland or the other way around. =)
  13. Javintosh

    Chimera 0.6 is out!

    As for your bookmarks, get yourself TextXSLT. Then write yourself an XSL Template that converts the XML to any format you like.... :D
  14. Javintosh

    iPhoto to Website?

    there is also the betterHTMLexport iPhoto plugin also in
  15. Javintosh

    BBEdit 7.0 is out!

    I sort of have mixed feeling about this one (first time ever, I usually rush out to get whatever bare bones puts out....) The only new feature I can see are VB Support (WTF?), some goofy square selection thing (which will be useless to me), XHTML support (which is cool, but somewhat...
  16. Javintosh


    I definitely agree.... I'd also like to see a way to RIP a file into MP3 without having to place it in iTunes (right now I have a lame toolbar script I edited to call lame - I changed 1 line to call the lame encoder, it only works from the desktop because it broke for some reason when I tried to...
  17. Javintosh


    BJL: You should look for iPhoho Library manager in
  18. Javintosh

    CD burning in OSX is PATHETIC

    At least this got cleaned up with 10.2.1 (but unfortunately not before I sent out 31 CDs to people that mostly use windows... :mad: ). CDs burned in the finder will work seamlessly on windows.
  19. Javintosh

    Chimera 0.6 is out!

    try deleting the folder in ~/Library/Application Support/Chimera/Profiles/default/ warning: this will delete all bookmarks, etc.
  20. Javintosh

    new completely cocoa FTP client

    Permissions can be changed from the get info window (which works for me).