Chimera 0.6 is out!

the newest nightly build of chimera lets you right click the icon in the dock and get a pop-up menu of your menubar shortcuts...

neato!! this is a grrreat idea!
As for your bookmarks, get yourself TextXSLT. Then write yourself an XSL Template that converts the XML to any format you like....
Hmm... I've been using Chimera 0.5 and 0.6 for some time and have downloaded the newest nightly build today. However, it's so slow with JavaScript rollovers that I almost removed them from the new design. But then again, it's a rather small crowd using a browser that can go from 0 to 100 km/h in less than a second but has a steering wheel that doesn't seem to work well.
there's an applescript that will change your chimera bookmarks to an html file for use in another program. not a perfect solution, but it works.

i'm not sure where i found it, or where to download it, so i'll just attach it here :)


    1.5 KB · Views: 3
Originally posted by fryke
Hmm... I've been using Chimera 0.5 and 0.6 for some time and have downloaded the newest nightly build today. However, it's so slow with JavaScript rollovers that I almost removed them from the new design. But then again, it's a rather small crowd using a browser that can go from 0 to 100 km/h in less than a second but has a steering wheel that doesn't seem to work well.

The rollovers work just fine for me in Chimera. Maybe your server was going slow that day you tried it?
Hmm, nope, the pictures are preloaded, and after going once left and once right, the images are loaded anyway.
Mouse rollovers work fine in IE. Chimera just still has a long way to go. They stick or don't activate at all.
yeah it does the pipelining trick that you can find on, nothing amazing ;)
lol, chimera is the LAST thing that needs a booster.

That's like installing "download accelerator" if you're on an OC-128 connection. Hahaha.
If you have a broadband connection, I highly recommend enabling pipelining with Chimera or Mozilla.

Pages load noticeably faster.

hmmm. I though that Australia was the only country that tried the rabbit-proof fence bit...

I guess there is no IQ test for getting a VISA. =>

The question is then, did Australia export the idea to New Zeland or the other way around. =)
Okay, I'll ask again. :)

How does the bookmark name feature shortcut thingie work in Chimera? it simply doesn't work here...
very good question fryke, i wonder as well... i know how to set a bookmark "name shortcut" but i dont know how to utilize it :eek: