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  1. T

    RAM disk with .dmg files?

    [/i] I am not sure but have you written the makers of DMGMaker? I will email them myself and keep you posted.
  2. T

    Anyone porting VNC Server to Mac OS X (Aqua)?

    Check versiontracker. It's there.
  3. T

    Possible Apple Games Machine??

    I think you have a very valid point. I am not sure if I see Apple as competing. Right, Apple would be dumb to go out and create a whole new gaming platform. That would just be ludicrous. However if they could make a deal with Nintendo to make a version of their system that is more for...
  4. T

    Opening multiple windows???

    Right now when you open a folder in OS X, it opens it in the same window rather than opening a new window. Is there any way to make X act like OS 9 and open a new window? Without closing the old window? This would make dragging and dropping a lot easier for me. Yes actually there is. In...
  5. T

    Apple & GAP

    Hahahahaah that's too much. Yes he is. The one on Chicago's Michigan Ave was home to a 3 story Gap. That Gap moved up the road across from the Virgin MegaStore with a much larger 4 store store. funny.
  6. T

    Possible Apple Games Machine??

    Nintendo is opening up its gaming platform to other hardware manufacturers. As a matter of fact Matsushita is going to make a verison of the Game Cube that has DVD and more settop box like features. As you may or may not know, the Nintendo GameCube is using an IBM 400 mhz G4 PowerPC 'gekko'...
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    Window resize

    BUMMER because although I like this feature and I hope some day when I can afford a G5 and a super powerful video card I can take advantage of it but my G4/400 with the 32MB Radeon can't deal with it. The tracking is WAY off. I was trying to demo MacOS X for some friends and that was their...
  8. T

    toolbar in os x...

    Yeah, I take it you are new to the mac. The thing to do is hold down the option key when you open a new folder. This will spawn a window for that folder and then close the one behind it. This is old school way of doing things and is MUCH nicer than the open in the same window stuff in...