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  1. Pardus

    serious help choosing (cinema) display for my G5..

    I am in a very similar purchasing dilemma. I currently have dual 21" trinitron monitors but one of them is starting to die, I have tried messing all around with the controls but it is very noticeably poorer picture then the other. I think i will bit the bullet for new montior(s) but unsure if I...
  2. Pardus

    How many graphic designers?

    In my previous life I owned a couple of skate/snowboard shops and started getting into design to promote my shops. I started my first online store in 1995 and made tons of t-shirts, magazine ads and POP around the store. I come from a pretty artistic family so I guess it was an easier...
  3. Pardus

    Anyone know of a good grafiti font?

    these should all be shareware or freeware fonts, search google if you like them or message me.
  4. Pardus

    Dual Monitors - hidden panels

    I have been using dual monitors for ever and just renovated my office and with the new desk, I switched my monitor layout so basically in the 'arrangement' in display settings, I dragged my extra monitor from the left side of my main to the right side (sorry that was confusing). but here is...
  5. Pardus

    Tiger in Janruary!?

  6. Pardus

    Tiger in Janruary!?

    I am getting ready to buy a G5 and wondering if it is worth waiting for Tiger? Will there be any changes to the system or processor to accommodate tiger that wouldn't be on systems now? I am probably a month or so away from getting it anyway.
  7. Pardus

    PC vs. Mac Video Card

    I have a G4 867, 1.5gb ram, dual 21" VGA monitors with a GeForce2 MX 32mb AGP card and an ATI Rage 128 16mb PCI card. This is just my work computer (no Gaming) and primarily use Adobe CS, Flash, FCP express etc... I hope to upgrade to a G5 soon but will keep this G4 for my son and want to fix...
  8. Pardus

    Where can I find the smallest font possible? site dedicated to pixel fonts. some free some pay
  9. Pardus

    Converting WMV to quicktime

    Forty-Two DVD-VX Plus worked awesome.....
  10. Pardus

    Question for those who live near Seattle

    I live in vancouver but know the area in washington. You probably don't want to go to Neah Bay, very rural and some sketchy native bands that dont always like tourists. However, there is a nice break there if you surf. Westport is probably the easiest to get to and has nice beaches and excellent...
  11. Pardus

    Gradient Mask in Flash

    You can't have transparency in a mask. it is always a solid block. you could use a PNG file but dont use the layer mask in the timeline just have it as a regular layer.
  12. Pardus

    best tool for creating a digtal portfiolo Non flash

    hmm, lack of cash is always the hurdle. I have done them in Adobe Indesign CS. that link shows you a few things. there is a 30 day free trial for it and you can always pass the cost off to your client. if i need software, i just tell them...
  13. Pardus

    Quick Time Pro Crop?

    Where is that track at? looks fun. I ride at Ridge meadows in canada.... I am assuming you want to Trim your movie or copy and paste into a new one? is that option available under edit? if not go into your preferences-registration and make sure the code is still there. maybe a corrupt pref...
  14. Pardus

    best tool for creating a digtal portfiolo Non flash

    Another thing you could do is make an interactive PDF. they can have transition effects, clickable hotspots to other areas in the document, email or web as well as flash or quicktime. For web based portfolios/site using Dreamweaver templates built so your client can edit them with contribute...
  15. Pardus

    What a strange request!?!

    why not have the preloader visual a separate movie clip that just plays out at a speed they can see based on frame rate from a small counter variable and loaded bytes. you set the counter to increase by one and loop the action and then have if statements to see if say 20% has loaded and the...
  16. Pardus

    Lurkers - Come On Out!

    I guess I don't post unless I have something really important to say that no one else would or could or if I really need to ask a question I cant find the answer to on my own. There are enough people here to provoke intelligent or not conversations. A lot of the posts seem to be a waste of time...
  17. Pardus

    colored ibooks around the corner

    Well if you dont want to change it, dont. Comparing it to my cell phone, I still have my original cover and mine is made so you cant even tell it would pop off. If you dont want to do that, fine your iBook would remain factory white or whatever the way it came. Obviously there would be some kind...
  18. Pardus

    colored ibooks around the corner

    They should make custom skins like they do for cell phones. Then you can pop them off and switch them up whenever you want. Apple could make one to match their semi-annual OS change, Panther, tiger stripes....
  19. Pardus

    Safari Bug in bookmarks bar

    my tabs randomly dissapear as well and can only be switched with menu or shortcuts