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  1. M

    Tiger & Java ... I'm hurt

    he he, you're right. My point is that we will have to wait longer .... wait longer, sigh. :'(
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    Tiger & Java ... I'm hurt

    Hello If you refer to the newly updated Tiger's Java page: you will notice that Apple keeps using 1.4.2 and not Java 1.5. I believed that Java 1.5 would ship with Tiger :'( I am so sad now ! Will we have to wait longer to get Java 1.5 on Mac ...
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    Macintosh Plus Rom ... ?

    You're fine, I suppose I could say the same about myself and my brain. ;-) Thank you.
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    Macintosh Plus Rom ... ?

    In "plain english" I am not looking for the game. In "plain english" here is what I wrote: "If one of you (if you have such a ROM file) could --please-- send it to me, that would be very nice." You will notice that I am talking about the ROM file itself. But never mind. I finally was able to...
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    Macintosh Plus Rom ... ?

    Hello. I have a few Mac Plus, some SE, a few SE/30, Classic, Classic Color, etc. I have all these macs, but in France. Right now I am a student in the USA and I am quite far from my old beloved Macs. Because I am so far, I cannot do anything about the ROM and nostalgia is there: I...
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    yaboot configuration

    Thx for the answer. ;-)
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    CHUD kext loading ...

    I did it twice, including reinstalling the whole Operating System. This is very frustrating, because I see no reason for it not to work. :( Thx, Pierre
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    CHUD kext loading ...

    Hello. For some reason my CHUD kernel extensions (CHUDProf and CHUDUtils) do not load. So I did a little Startup script to have them loaded at anytime, because without them, it is hard to use Shark or others. However, to me, this doesn't sound normal. Does anyone have any idea about why...
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    StuffIt & 10.3.7

    thank you for the solution and sorry for not answering to all the previous messages but for some reason I didn't receive the usual email notifications. but THANK YOU :-) have a good day.
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    StuffIt & 10.3.7

    Hello. I am sorry to post this message (I feel so dumb) but I tried everything I knew or though about and well ... it is not working yet. I fully reinstalled my System recently (Archive and Install - not saving users). Since then Stuffit is not working. It does not even launch ... I...
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    understanding LCD screen tech specs

    thank you for your answers. And of course I thought about comparing all the other available specs. You answerred my first question if 600:1 was better than 400:1. However, about contrasts I still don't understand what it means. Than ou. Pierre.
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    understanding LCD screen tech specs

    Hello. I am trying to compare two screen before buying. But I need to be explained one thing : it a 600:1 better than a 400:1 contrast ? I am not sure about if it is the smaller, the bigger, the better. How to understand these figures ? What do they mean by 600:1 ? Thank you, Pierre
  13. M

    looking for a GTA-like game for Mac ...

    Thank you guys for all your replies. For some reason and because of my junk mail filter I did not notice your answers before ;-) Well, actually I went to see that Payback thing you suggested despite I already had a look at it before sending my original post. And the fact is that this game is...
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    looking for a GTA-like game for Mac ...

    Hello. I remember having seen online a downloadable under-development program from a guy who was trying to make (alone!) a GTA-like game for Mac. The results were pretty bad as game play and graphics but this was a under-development game and he was ... alone ! And from that point of view what...
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    iPod freezed

    hello. a friend of mine has a problem with his iPod and I wondered -- before having Apple to change it -- if one of you had a solution for him. From time to time the Menu button of his click wheel iPod will not work. He has to wait for the battery to be empty to have eit work again. Any...
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    CoreImage HowTo ?

    oh cool ! indeed, new documentations (dixit ADC news letter ;) ) thx
  17. M

    CoreImage HowTo ?

    Hello. :-) In the seed I have of Tiger the CoreImage is not yet documented. Does someone have some info / example - tutorial to share about it. For me this seems to be one of the best Tiger features as far as I can interpret and extrapolate from Apple's public information. Thank you, Pierre.
  18. M

    converting AC3 to what ever ...

    super! that works !! (damned google didn't showed it up ;) ) thank you
  19. M

    converting AC3 to what ever ...

    Hey. I am sorry because this has been already widely discussed in here but maybe a new answer came up. Do you know any free soft on Mac OS X to convert AC3 files to MP3 or what ever that can (at the end) be read by iTunes, please ? NB: do I need to say that what I am trying to do is...
  20. M

    KDE & +80% CPU

    Thx for the hint, actually I don't know what exactly happened but I set the sound system to work and now it is all fine ;-) Thx. Pierre