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  1. dantjie

    Can't send mail after 10.2

    Thanks, Orion. I did check my hostname in terminal and it does say "mycomputername.local." What I don't understand is, what should I change in hostconfig? The hostname field was left automatic, but I changed it to my computer's name. After changing it, when I type hostname in terminal it...
  2. dantjie

    Can't send mail after 10.2

    After installing Mac OS X v10.2 can't seem to send mail out anymore. Nothing has changed from what I know. I'm attaching a picture of the error message. If any of you guys/gals can help it would be great. For now I guess I'll have to live without being able to send mail. :(
  3. dantjie

    Laggy Full Screen QT movies...

    I'm running Mac OS X 10.1.3, and I cannot get anything to run full screen in QuickTime and have it play smoothly. I thought it was because I was making it too large (my screen res is 1600x1200). What I did to verify this was I played back a 320x240 MPEG movie at 640x480 at my current screen...
  4. dantjie

    what ever happened to Media Player for OS X??

    The full install of Windows Media Player comes with MS Office v.X, it comes with plug-in and all! If you would like the full installer just ask, i'll send it to ya :) my temp email for this is, i'll take it down in a few days when i start getting spams :P -dantjie:)
  5. dantjie

    Ohh look, Mac OS X 5L14

    Just thought that this was interesting. -dantjie:)
  6. dantjie

    WANTED: Screenshots

    Hop the attachment works this time. -dantjie:) P.S. OK it's too large, I'm going to post it over at your place Joseph.
  7. dantjie

    WANTED: Screenshots

    buggs1a, I don't know what you are looking at, but the URL I posted shows Mac OS, and Linux desktops. They're certainly not Windows! This is a shot of my desktop running Fireworks 4 as the Classic App. Hope you enjoy it Joseph. -dantjie:)
  8. dantjie

    WANTED: Screenshots

    OH MY DEAR LORD! You poor thing! You can go here to see all the desktop pics you want: Have fun, you poor child... -dantjie:)
  9. dantjie

    OrangeLink FireWire/USB PCI Board & Mac OS X

    Anyone know if this will work also without any additional drivers for Mac OS X? dantjie:)
  10. dantjie

    OrangeLink FireWire/USB PCI Board & Mac OS X

    Any of you guys know if this card will work under Mac OS X with or without drivers? I am assuming that they don't make Mac OS X drivers, though I might be wrong. Thanks for any help guys! -dantjie:)
  11. dantjie

    Darwin x86 and Mac OS 10.1

    No, if you go out and buy Mac OS X 10.1 it will not install on Darwin x86. Mac OS X runs ONLY on PowerPC Macs. If you want a GUI for Darwin x86 you can download XFree86. -Dantjie:)
  12. dantjie

    10.0.4 SSH no go

    Way cool! Thanks! It works again. -Dantjie:)
  13. dantjie

    10.0.4 SSH no go

    After I update to 10.0.4 I can no longer connect to the Linux box using SSH. The update also seem to have forgoten some of my settings. Back to SSH, when I attempt to connect to the Linux box it seems that it has forgoten the host so it ask if I want to continue connecting. If I say yes it...
  14. dantjie

    Intel Emulation

    Actually that was possible back when, but now the only way that I know of is using Software Emulation. But if you are still interested about the hardware you can find it here: -Dantjie :)
  15. dantjie

    Is Mac OS X Confused

    Did you all noticed that in the Finder "Dare To Dream Lyrics.jpg" comes before "Dare To Dream.jpg?" But in the contexual menu it's the other way around. So I guess the sorting order puts "." before a space also. -Dantjie :)
  16. dantjie

    Is Mac OS X Confused

    Yes, that is true. But I installed an extention called "Natural Order" which fixed that problem. It seems that Apple never even bothered to even fix this issue that has been there ever since Mac OS whatever... -Dantjie :)
  17. dantjie

    Is Mac OS X Confused

    It's the Dvorak keyboard layout. I use it all the time, and yes it's better than then standard Qwerty. -Dantjie :)
  18. dantjie

    Is Mac OS X Confused

    Dudes! Can't you see that the contexual menu shows that 10, 11, and 12 comes before 1, 2, and, 3 etc...? But if you look in the Finder You'll see that the numbers are in correct order. There is a sort problem in the Dock's contexual menu. -Dantjie :)
  19. dantjie

    Is Mac OS X Confused?

    Take a look at this and you tell me. It's Dumb.jpg -Dantjie :)
  20. dantjie

    Is Mac OS X Confused

    Take a look at this pic of my desktop, it's Dumb.jpg Now, did Apple mean to do this or is it just dumb? -Dantjie :)