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  1. Jayem

    Lindows? Cool

    they are beeing sued by Microshaft for copywrite infringment (SP~!) :eek:
  2. Jayem

    Post your df -kl here!

    Welcome to Darwin! [ool-182ec676:~] titan% df -kl Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Avail Capacity Mounted on /dev/disk1s5 40205088 25795040 14410048 64% / fdesc 1 1 0 100% /dev /dev/disk0s2 9969648 1082320 8887328 10% /Volumes/Workload...
  3. Jayem

    I have received a nice publicity from the new iMac!

  4. Jayem

    what does a crash look like

    was that absolutely neccessary? :rolleyes:
  5. Jayem

    AOL to purchase RedHat Linux?!!!

    HAHAHAHAHAH! AOL GIVE SOMETHING AWAY??? FREE ISNT IN STEVE CASE'S VOCABULARY :p :p :p If they do decide to buy out RedHat, they will use it as a nogotiating tool to strike gold-mine deals with M$. Simple as that. They wont ever try to push Linux into the world. They would actually have to do...
  6. Jayem

    does iphoto work with images on comp already?

    well i say this because lets face it, iphoto is a cool little app, but its not exactly built for the "power user". Importing large quantities ( per se 4000 images at once ) will most likely cause it crash, and end up in some sort of file corruption for a couple of your images . BUT HEY! I've...
  7. Jayem

    Interesting thing about the past of apple and windows

    they starve little children in somalia , and have satanic conventions one a week in Bill Gate's bathroom! :rolleyes: Oi DOWN WITH M$!
  8. Jayem

    does iphoto work with images on comp already?

    damn it i need to take 6th grade spelling all over again.
  9. Jayem

    does iphoto work with images on comp already?

    if you have an extisive pic library ( such as myself ranging in the thousands ) you wont be able to import all at once ( not that i would sugest such a moronic thing ). Still the only way that you would be able to do this , is to first organize your pics into subfolders ( id keep the max of...
  10. Jayem

    what does a crash look like

    haha, well besides the fact that i baiscally ask for the kernel panic ( i put FAR to much stress on my system ) yeah its true, you can see the actually command line spew a bunch of garble onto the screen and most of the times, the machine just restarts itself, othertimes, the garble can go one...
  11. Jayem

    What do you spent on macosx?

    1. G4 tower - $1799 2. Monitor keyboard and a whole ish load of other crap - $2000 id list them out but id be here all day
  12. Jayem

    how to create .iso files on my mac

    Just curious , if I could someone make DiskCopy™ to create an .iso file. If not is there a 3rd party application that will? I run X.1.2 natively so if you could keep me from booting into 9 i'll bake you some cookies. :p
  13. Jayem

    eeek! M$ and OpenGL?!

  14. Jayem

    Bill Gates advertising the Mac

    i second that notion :D
  15. Jayem

    OS X.2 What do YOU want??

    1. deffinately drivers for my CanoScan scanner. ( canon is a bunch of lazy nazis. ) 2. themes would deffinately be nice. 3. maybe easier icon management ( e.g. ability to set a default folder icon, or the trash icon, without having to set back into 9 ) 4. easier connectivity with windows. 5...
  16. Jayem

    Damn! This site is fast... (under Windows)

    just downloaded Mozilla, Opera and Omni. Mozilla takes the cake. granted Omni has the best gui, n opera has the most features... this is the overall best.
  17. Jayem

    Deleting Items in X

    I need to get access to delete a certain file. someone please post a "how to". gracias
  18. Jayem

    Deleting Items in X

    I have about 5000 files in my trash that i can't delete because of one folder/file. I dont have the "privilages". How do i override this?