I use QT Pro everyday. If you need to export to different formats, codecs etc it's a must. $30 is dirt cheap for a powerhouse like QT Pro. And yes, you can code movies for the web with it.
Use the "title crawl" from Boris. remember to turn on the 2:1 deflicker if your text scrolls from top to bottom. It makes them look like they should when they pass through the TVs scan lines.
IMHO I have found Fontreserve from Diamond soft to be the "best" font manager for both os 9 and X. Give them a try, I use it every day with app 2000 fonts.
Hope this helps,
I ran Disk Doctor and Speed Disk prior to installing OS X and everything has been very smooth and problem free.
It's actually hard to believe it's a beta except for the fact that some hardware drivers are missing.
I set up multiple acounts with separate mail acounts and we're all sending and...
I would check with Cubase's website before using it with OS X.
If you use its audio recording part, be aware that the beta of OS X can't yet speak to specific hardware such as a dedicated audio capture card etc.
Good luck.