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  1. P

    Help!!! DVD Player does NOT work!

    i got it working. thanks everyone.
  2. P

    Help!!! DVD Player does NOT work!

    iMac DV SE, 400mhz, 13gig, 384mb/RAM, internal DVD player
  3. P

    help! unhiding a hidden folder

    Help. I used Apimac's Secret Folder to make my backup folder with all of my mp3s and files, and i formatted my main partition, and when i went back to the partition, the folder was hidden, so i couldnt select it in the app to unhide. yes, i used tinkertool to show hidden files but thats the...
  4. P

    Help!!! DVD Player does NOT work!

    it's the one that comes with my iMac, the internal one. I dont know what firmware is but i know this happened right after i got the dvd 3.whatever update.
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    Help!!! DVD Player does NOT work!

    I don't know what's going on, but I was watchin a DVD and it told me I had a fatal error then quit DVD Player. I went back in, and I had the same error on the chapter every time. Okay, so then I tried 3 other DVD's... they all had the same problem. Then, I reboot my computer, thinking that...
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    Where can I learn to make OS X apps?

    I'm really interested in trying to make OS X apps. I'm an intermediate mac user, and somewhat of a novice/intermediate at OS X. I have no idea where to begin or what to do. Can anyone help me get started in finding out where I can learn to program in OS X? Thanks.
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    Transparant Menu Bar

    i wanna make my dock look like that. how'd ya do it?
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    Getting a Classic app carbonized and able to run in OS X w/o running Classic

    Hmm, okay. I was bored one afternoon and I tried to make classic AIM be identical to the Mac OS X version, but it didn't work. Somethin with the libraries or something. I'll just wait til the companies come out with OS X versions of the apps. thanks
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    Getting a Classic app carbonized and able to run in OS X w/o running Classic

    Is there an app or something out there that can take an app written in classic (like Outlook Express, or AIM) and can still be the same app, just having it run in Aqua?
  10. P

    Does anyone know how to format a partition and then use Windows on it?

    Does Virtual PC come with the OS or do I have to get it separately?
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    Does anyone know how to format a partition and then use Windows on it?

    My friend said that it's possible to run a regular Mac OS on one partition and to use Windows or even Linux on the other partition. Anyone know how to do this?
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    Get OS X update 10.0.1 HERE!!!!!

    I just installed it and I didn't notice that it made anything new.
  13. P

    Get OS X update 10.0.1 HERE!!!!!

    Is this 4L7 thing written by Apple? Because I don't know if I wanna just update my OS from some update I've never heard of. Can anyone tell me a little more about this updater?
  14. P

    AOL Instant Messenger -- When WilL We Have Support?

    But I think that it will be a while for a OS X version to come out. I think they made that page just to keep us even more in suspense; and I seriously hate that AOL Instant Messenger KICKS OFF Fire users. It's so frustrating.
  15. P

    How do you make the difference?

    Please tell me more, I'm really curious about that.
  16. P

    New 'Poof' for the Dock

    It also gets rid of that "poof that stays" problem. Sometimes there'll be a little bit of the puff that lingers around. This is better. Thanks!
  17. P

    How do you guys move the dock around?

    Are there any other cool things I can do with the Dock?