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  1. solrac

    iRecord for iSight

    Wow, what a horrificly horrible program. The concept is cool but when you try to record anything, even on the smallest tiniest setting, all you get is a choppy, crappy movie that drops more frames than it actually records. Worthless.
  2. solrac

    simply stunning stories

    OH MY GOD I WAS JUST ABOUT TO POST THIS!!!! That cmd-tab while in expose is awesome. It loads up all apps under an F10 command as you switch. You can also use the arrow keys to select different windows. :D
  3. solrac

    See how tall you are in iPods!

    0 feet 4.1 inches tall 1 iPod!
  4. solrac

    oh... my.... GOD... LONGEST LINE EVARRRR

    Obviously you must be from London. (Heavy English accent.... talking to someone who is not properly in line... EXCUSE ME... BUT YOUH GONNA HAVE TO QUE UP!!"
  5. solrac

    oh... my.... GOD... LONGEST LINE EVARRRR

    How could anyone stand in this line to go to the Apple Store in Tokyo? Why? Why would you stand in this line???
  6. solrac

    bugs in iCal, Safari

    why woltlab? Why not the open source PHPBB project?
  7. solrac

    SCO is starting to look in our direction

    a dying company huh? I guess SCO is like the ultima-beast in final fantasy... even when you kill it with your final attack, just before it dies it gets to cast ultima on you. LOL
  8. solrac

    SCO is starting to look in our direction

    racerX, that link you posted regarding violence against SCO... in the middle of that article it says SCO is not pursuing damages against personal users, only large commercial users. So only big companies have to worry about this, not us home Mac OS X users. Still SCO can go *$%#@...
  9. solrac

    bugs in iCal, Safari

    iCal Every now and then, I can't set alarms or repeats for calendar items (the drop downs for those do not work), until I restart iCal. Safari In (, under Virtual Terminal, the refund credit card radio button is supposed to change up the page via...
  10. solrac

    MacOS X.4 User Interface Idea

    I think it could be done in an easy way: if address typed into finder starts with http://, just open safari and attempt to go to page. What would be more useful is having an HTML preview of HTML pages in the preview window of the finder!! C'mon Apple!!
  11. solrac

    ShapeShifter - Safe Themer App

    Their GUiPod theme looks really cool, but it did screw up dreamweaver a little bit. (It made input text in the properties box seem to disappear.) But you can just exclude programs like that from getting themed, so it's really simple! I really like it. ElDiabloConCaca, how did you find out...
  12. solrac

    shapeShifter released!

    Hopefully this is not a repost, but those unsanity guys just released shapeshifter! It's a mac os x theme changer. Works with panther, and seems to work pretty good! Their GUiPod theme looks really cool, but it did screw up dreamweaver a little bit. (It made input text in the properties box...
  13. solrac

    Time magazine HORRIBLE typo!!!!

    True, in the scope of the article, there is only mac and windows, because that's all iTunes is available for. But the guy said "of the world"... not "of the iTunes world" or something...
  14. solrac

    Time magazine HORRIBLE typo!!!!

    God, this is funny, for Time magazine. Of course everyone knows about the invention of the year thing for the iTunes Music Store, since Apple plastered it on their home page. So I read the article on, and look at this paragraph!!! What kind of idiocracy is this? So mac users are 3%...
  15. solrac

    Speculation XBox2 may use G5-based chipset?

    Yeah but if you don't buy an XBox at all... then you make even MORE loss for M$!!! HAHAH
  16. solrac

    Is there a batch print function in OS X?

    can you be more specific? Where do you hold option exactly? How would you ever remove the setting so you can change it to something else???
  17. solrac

    Is there a batch print function in OS X?

    In windows, you can right click on a selection of say, 20 files, and select Print... Windows will print them all. Can Mac OS X do something like this? You see, I have a new job maintaining an e-commerce site that distributes thousands of PDF files. I tried using Panther to convert a PDF...
  18. solrac

    Just got Panther and WEIRD problem came up

    It's not corrupted! It worked fine in Jaguar
  19. solrac

    Panther Font Book discrepancy

    UGHHH... but those instructions are in the FONT BOOK SECTION well i saw the zapfino controls... very cool stuff
  20. solrac

    Just got Panther and WEIRD problem came up

    Here is the bad font. If anyone knows how to analyze it and find out why it's bad that would be great.