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  1. Gnomo

    (dot)linux executables in terminal mac os x

    The file is a binary for an Intel chip, thus it will not work on a PowerPC chip. You have 2 choices: You can see if you can get the source code for the binary and compile it or You can use VPC and emulate an Intel processor and run it.
  2. Gnomo

    Starting Apache directly

    Edit your hostconfig file (in /etc/) and change the line "WEBSERVER=-NO-" to "WEBSERVER=-YES-". This will make inet.d start apache when your boot the computer.
  3. Gnomo

    Apple Mail Suggestions

    Two words: Auto Reply.
  4. Gnomo

    Apple sued by dealers

    I don't understand. Allow me to layout how I thought this worked and someone who is more of a business guru explain (in layman's terms) where I have things wrong. My understanding: Apple's retail stores are part of the Apple Corporation, not franchises like a McDonalds (ie. you get the...
  5. Gnomo

    Virus Scam?

    Not according to Norton.
  6. Gnomo

    iBook display problems

    Hey all, I have been experiencing some problems with my iBook. Occasionally when I wake the computer my screen will not come up to the correct brightness level. It looks like the screen does if you turn the brightness all the way down. Trying to adjust the brightness level has no effect on...
  7. Gnomo

    Virus Scam?

    Actually the correct name of the virus is Beagle. Probably just a typo. My IT department made the same mistake earlier, ever since we've been joking about creating a virus called Bagle and having it spread via the file wickedcreamcheese.scr. ::ha::
  8. Gnomo

    Hinky Airport signal - why?

    The configuration of the room really won't effect the signal, but the properties of the walls and what is between you and the access point will. Metal, water, other 2.4 GHz devices all will reduce the quality or strength of your signal. What is between you and the ABS?
  9. Gnomo

    URGENT! itunes and external hard drives

    The best way that I have found to do this is to use iTunes to move the music. What you would want to do is: Open iTunes, go to preferences. Click on the advance tab-image-thingy. Click the Change button. Select your folder it will then appear in the box like so (i.e...
  10. Gnomo

    .mac email alternatives (hosting)

    When you delete an account from mail, it will remove all the associated mailboxes, unless they are under 'On My Mac' (at least this has been my experience, so your inbox, send items, etc are gone). If you want to keep the contents of those folders, you can do two things. 1 create new...
  11. Gnomo

    Simple cocoa icon question

    Okay to add the icon to your program is actually fairly easy. If you have an info.plist file in your project, simply add the following to the dictionary: <key>CFBundleIconFile</key> <string>Icon_name.icns</string> If you don't have an info.plist file, you will need to create one. I have...
  12. Gnomo

    Permissions Headache

    I think I must have communicated the problem poorly. The problem I am having is only related to 1 machine, my wife's eMac. We both have an account on that computer, which are both members of the admin group. The problem started when I was having a separate issue regarding connecting to the...
  13. Gnomo

    Permissions Headache

    Well, that certainly seems to be the case. I suppose that I could solve the problem then with an AppleScript attached to the folder. Anyone know of a tutorial on how to make Folder Action AppleScripts?
  14. Gnomo

    Permissions Headache

    I have an external hard drive that I am using for my iTunes library and other data that I share between my wife's account and my own. I also access this drive via AFP from my laptop. It had been working fine until a few days ago when I stopped being able to save things to the drive from my...
  15. Gnomo

    Apple Mail Suggestions

    How about support for the X-Priority Header? So I can send High Priority emails and see (without opening) which emails have been marked high priority.
  16. Gnomo

    Eminem to sue Apple?

    If I were Apple, I would drop Eminem regardless of how this lawsuit turns out. Yes, they should have made sure to have the artists permission to use the song, but still the phrase applies "don't bite the hand that feeds you." Plus, its not like they are going to lose any money by not having...
  17. Gnomo

    Set up an iTunes Radio Server?

    Looking through the list of stations in iTunes, it looks like a vast majority of them are simply shoutcast stations. You might give that a try. While it is primarily a windoze program, they do have a link that you can download the source.
  18. Gnomo

    Can I bridge a network with 2 Airport Base Stations?

    Yes, you can use Airport Extreme to do this, although the how is a little foggy. What I know for sure: First you have to configure your AEBS to be a remote base station under the WDS tab. You then specify the Airport ID of the base station that you would like to receive signal from (you can...
  19. Gnomo

    How to keep iPhoto Library folder organized?

    The only thing worse than iPhoto library's organization (or lack there of) is the amount of space that it wastes. 1. For every picture that you import it creates a 20k thumbnail image. While I am sure this was created to speed up the application, when you have a photo collection as large as...
  20. Gnomo

    objective-c class question

    I have another question for those willing to give it a guess. I want to my program to be able to receive input from a telnet client. How do I set up communication with the client? how do I send responses? I've looked into the NSConnection class and NSSocketPort, but I can't make heads or...