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  1. eric halfabee

    alubook update today?

    Well Zidion It may happen as it often does after one has just purchased a product and mentioned it here ;) Its like it always rains after the guy down our street washed his car.
  2. eric halfabee

    New Omniweb browser

    Very nice. I'm sort of upset though when these good browsers come out, I can't make-up my mind which to use except with IE of course –*I don't use it. Anyway, anyone know the keyboard shortcut for switching between tabs? cheers eric
  3. eric halfabee

    Jan 24th predictions / 20th Anniversary.

    Did she use a Mac when she 'broke the law', I thought it was a PC using Kazaa ('scuse spelling). Maybe Pepsi/Apple gave her the iMac as payment. ;)
  4. eric halfabee

    Finally found the world's biggest idiot! (PC'ing his G5...)

    Yes it is a waste, but he does praise the workmanship of the Apple product "First I removed the fans, ductwork and the board. I had to disassemble part of the case - it's held together with star head screws. I have NEVER seen a finer made case." And he gave the G5 parts to his Mac friend, so...
  5. eric halfabee

    Anyone speak/read Russian?

    Thansk all Brian, yeah tried babelfish, but I got even more kak than normal. Anyway I found out its part of this new mass email virus doing the rounds, which I thought was the case, here is a email from my ISP: "Hi everyone Most of you will be aware by now that a new mass-mailing worm...
  6. eric halfabee

    Anyone speak/read Russian?

    Had a email from a unrecognised source. This email contained a file called text.src. I opened up the attachement in Word and went passed all the stuff that made no sense to me and came across this at the end...
  7. eric halfabee

    Anyone from Australia / New Zealand received InDesign CS upgrade

    Cheers Iggle So maybe NZ won't be too far away –*maybe sometime next year ;). I'll keep a eye on the post too. eric
  8. eric halfabee

    Anyone from Australia / New Zealand received InDesign CS upgrade

    Hi everyone I ordered the InDesign CS upgrade back in November 2003 and I am still awaiting to receive it from my local Mac (MagnumMac in NZ) store. They have the full version but not the upgrade. I'm wondering if anyone from Australia/New Zealand has received their InDesign CS upgrade (and...
  9. eric halfabee

    Neil Armstrong not first on the moon?

    I'm fake, I never happened either.
  10. eric halfabee

    Panther Bugs and Incompatibilities (Post here)

    Hi Cap... For the 'cubin' effect you need a Mac that has a 16 MB or higher graphics card (has to be compatible too, ie Nvidia, ATI). Thats why you see it on your G4 and not on your iMac. Cheers eric
  11. eric halfabee

    Music Editing Software...

    Abelton - Live looks good.
  12. eric halfabee

    10.3.2 released

    Its working OK for me apart from Mail quitting but that could be just a coincidence. Anyway its got rid of the annoying asking for password thing when ejecting my Firewire externals. No probs with Addressbook either.... so far so good.
  13. eric halfabee

    What is REALLY annoying in the web sites?

    Well it seems by everyone's comments that the web sucks big time and we should all go back to reading magazines. ;) My major gripe is sites that don't work probably, bad links etc (oops thats my site) and ones that require Windows only plug-ins - luckily I don't go there often. Also sites...
  14. eric halfabee

    Post your desktop !

    Hi Zammy-Sam Its a third-party thing (freeware/donationware) called 'Another Launcher'. Look for it on You can set it to be either on the menu bar on as a pop-out dock from the side of your desktop. eric
  15. eric halfabee

    Post your desktop !

    Here's my National Geographic pic of the day. Reminds me of home, well almost.
  16. eric halfabee

    Panther & PS fonts BAH

    Are you sure? Well thats news to me, sorry to say, but I'm having no probs with PS fonts in Panther (so far so good). Here's a few screnshots of one font - Nova Maori - used in InDesign in Panther and another of my font folder. Its also Extensis's problem not Panther(Apple's) that...
  17. eric halfabee

    For anyone having probs with their ScanWizard 5 software

    Hi bobw, Yeah I saw that and thats what led me to my post, my 5700 is FW and USB so there was no SCSI components that I could find in the location mentioned. Also I dont think they are refering to ScanWizard 5 that I use, just the Pro and Pro TX versions – whatever they are. BTW 'Vuescan'...
  18. eric halfabee

    For anyone having probs with their ScanWizard 5 software

    I Had a problem with SW 5 for a 5700 Microtek scanner on 10.3.1. I did a clean install and installed the SW software again. After launching SW software or trying to I got SW trying to load and then the OCR bundle part trying to load. Both then crashed generating a crash report thing...
  19. eric halfabee

    How can I save network user/password?

    OK I found the answer. Command+K, then enter the afp://IP number of the other Macs, then you get the network options as in 10.2 and then you can save passwords and login stuff. You also get the server on the desktop. Cheers eric eric
  20. eric halfabee

    Any way to make the command+tab switch graphic smaller

    Firstly Im not sure if this is the right place for this so mods please move if neccessary... cheers. Anyway does anyone know if its possible to change the size of the command+tab app switch graphic as I feel its way too big. I know of 'Lite Switch' that allows you to do that to its own thing...