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  1. B

    Problem with attachments

    You could have a noisy phone line, or you could have a bad modem. Your modem may be in need of a firmware upgrade. It's time to call tech support for your DSL service, let them know your poor QoS, and have them run some standard line tests, and hear what they have to say. Ask them if they...
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    Old old old Apple II game

    Looking at the Wikipedia's list of Apple II games, I notice one called Escape From Rungistan, which looks about right. Other people seem to know about it.
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    OS X wont shut down / reboot / logout / force quit apps

    OMG that's so l33t! Tell him he needs to learn better jokes.
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    Sound Quality: Computer Vs. iPod

    iPods and laptops have different amplifiers between the D/A converter and the headphones. The amount of juice that the amplifier puts out has an enormous effect on the sound when it gets to your ears; that's why people make things like this and this. I'm not a crazy audiophile myself, but I've...
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    OS X wont shut down / reboot / logout / force quit apps

    If you tried to repair permissions by booting back up from the internal drive, give it a shot again after booting from the OS X install disk. Here's a good guide, except the excessive "registered trademark" symbols, to doing this, as well as going through some preliminary steps. You could also...
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    My mac os 10.3.9 has problem desparate help

    I assume that you booted up from the OS X disc and ran Disk Utility from there. Did you run "Verify Disk"? Just curious. There are several options left still, if you have the patience (or if you have no other choice but to fix the problem). If I were you, I'd buy a copy of DiskWarrior and...
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    Problem with attachments

    That's a pretty bad QoS're losing a lot of packets. The download/upload speeds seem to fast for a dial-up modem connection, so my guess is you have an aDSL connection and a bad phone line. Is that possible? Try this from a Terminal window. At the prompt try this: cd ~/Desktop...
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    sh-2.05a# at startup??

    Interesting. Why don't you try this: cp /etc/hostconfig.applesaved /etc/hostconfig exit If there's no file named /etc/hostconfig, then that's definitely going to cause a problem on startup. The one named /etc/hostconfig.applesaved was created by an Apple OS update process at some point...
  9. B

    Problem with attachments

    Also, just for kicks, look in System Preferences / Network / Built-in Ethernet / Proxies (or ...Airport / Proxies if you're connecting wirelessly) and let us know if anything's checked off.
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    Problem with attachments

    That's hairy. Just for more info, try going to a speed test site like this one and let us know what the results are. Just curious what upload/download speeds and your general quality of service (QoS) rating are. When you say "I cannot access", what do you mean? What...
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    sh-2.05a# at startup??

    When you're at the shell prompt, try ls /etc/hostconfig* Let us know what you see. On a normal system you'd see /etc/hostconfig and its previous version, /etc/hostconfig~. Bob's suggestion is to copy the previous version to the current and try restarting. /etc/hostconfig is a file...
  12. B

    Making an Internal Drive an External Drive

    I think as a general rule it's worth it to get a decent enclosure -- don't go for the cheapest one you can find. Some of these are made pretty poorly, and the way they cut corners is often with the buses and transport chipset. Which are the parts you want to work really well.
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    privacy utility

    I can only speak for OnyX. If you read the straightforward documentation (Help::OnyX Help) and work with the default settings, the cache cleaning will be a safe and unsurprising routine for you. However, whether this app does the trick for you depends on what you mean by "securely clean" -- as...
  14. B

    My mac os 10.3.9 has problem desparate help

    Any complicated operating system is susceptible to viruses and other bad guys; see here for a recent discussion about this. That having been said, I don't think anyone on these boards will argue that anti-virus software is currently worth the money and resources on OS X. The best protection...
  15. B

    Making an Internal Drive an External Drive

    You need what's called an external enclosure, which can be bought with (depending on your needs and budget) firewire 400/800 or USB2 buses. You'll have to get one for each drive, unless you want to get a RAID enclosure and use a more advanced setup.
  16. B

    My mac os 10.3.9 has problem desparate help

    As a first step, I'd remove Norton Antivirus. Read here for some details. Second, try repairing disk permissions by following trooper's advice above. You shouldn't need to boot into single-user mode until you've done some more basic checking. I agree though, Norton software has caused many...
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    Blocking Removable storage

    The most basic approach that I'm talking about would block anyone non in the admin group from mounting anything. If you want to allow CD-ROM/DVD mounts, but not USB storage devices, then I don't have anything for you...maybe someone else has an idea. There used to be documentation on Apple's...
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    Need Help with iDVD

    13 GB is too big to fit on any DVD, and may be why iDVD is choking. You should try exporting it and letting iMovie compress it, then using that compressed version as the basis of an iDVD project. See this article for more information.
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    Blocking Removable storage

    I haven't tried it, but my first attempt would be to change perms on /Volumes so non-admin users can't mount there.
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    sh-2.05a# at startup??

    Wait, what's the answer to Fryke's question? What exactly happens when you boot up with the OS X disk inserted (and while holding down the "c" key)?