Search results

  1. rubaiyat

    Anyone have a workable Color Management workflow?

    Natobasso Had a look at your site. Good read. btw Are you eating crow on the iPad?
  2. rubaiyat

    Anyone have a workable Color Management workflow?

    As I thought, the good old methods. Close relationship with printer, references, proof and test. I keep telling Adobe and anyone else who will listen, that most of their workflow doesn't work in real life. You need to have a real tight and trusted relationship with a printer. Ideally it...
  3. rubaiyat

    All for one and one for all

    I will add a large plus for the refurbished models. They may have been found faulty at some point but have received more care and testing than the new models. But only ever buy them from Apple who have a vested interest in not seeing the model back again. I have resisted buying from Apple...
  4. rubaiyat

    Anyone have a workable Color Management workflow?

    I think on this a lot. This question came up again for me today when I was in my favorite bookshop, reading all those expensive graphics books I have finally trained myself not to buy. :) Having no more room to shelve them. 3 of the books dealt with current print production and as usual...
  5. rubaiyat

    Official Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard Thread & FAQ

    Does anyone know exactly why Apple has released a v1.1 of the Combo 10.6.3 update? This is rather unusual.
  6. rubaiyat

    How to share media from HD on Airport Extreme?

    We have 7 Macs in this house and an Airport Extreme. I'd like to share our common media from the the Airport Extreme, starting with the music and possibly also photos, movies and podcasts. The media is all personal and not from the iTunes store so therefore does not have any DRM on it...
  7. rubaiyat

    Editing ISO files

    Some useful info: Up until v7 Toast used to able to make bootable CD/DVDs, then I think Apple leant on them and it was removed.
  8. rubaiyat

    AVI to MOV

    Just get Perian. I watch all my .avi files as they come, in QuickTime, no need to convert anything which will only downgrade the image and waste a LOT of time.
  9. rubaiyat

    pdf to word

    Depends on your expectations: Acrobat Reader: Menu > File > Save as Text… gives a basic export. Acrobat Pro gives you a wide choice of export formats.
  10. rubaiyat

    Exporting search results from a PDF in "Preview"

    I suggest asking this question in Apple's Pages forum. :)
  11. rubaiyat

    A database software failure?

    Think we have hit Randy at "that" time of the month.
  12. rubaiyat

    How to create an Alias for an application?

    +Go to > Finder > Menu > Help > Shortcuts for working with items in the Finder+ Which (language) keyboard are you using and are you sure you have the right keys? (The 2 immediately next to your spacebar). Is it possible you have substituted a custom keyboard shortcut in its place or a 3rd...
  13. rubaiyat

    A database software failure?

    Juvenile or fool or just an arsehole? Maybe all 3, but concentrating on the 3rd.
  14. rubaiyat

    A database software failure?

    Are you a juvenile or just a fool? I say something in response to a clearly wrong statement and you throw around troll! AppleWorks still functions and can be bought, but not from Apple, and you suddenly become picky about databases when a cluster of the ones you list are feeble to say the...
  15. rubaiyat

    A database software failure?

    If that is said in all sincerity, I have to take everything else you say with a very large grain of salt. btw You missed OpenOffice, NeoOffice and AppleWorks in your list. PS Just went to a PC shareware site and there must be about 400 returns on "database"
  16. rubaiyat

    macx boot problems

    Yeah I can' think what the control key does. Getting confused with the command key perhaps? These are the standard start up keys.
  17. rubaiyat

    macx boot problems

    Speak to your local Apple store and find your local telephone support number and make sure you give them as much information as you can, there isn't enough there for us to give you an answer. You can also try creating another user and try starting from that, it sounds like something has been...
  18. rubaiyat

    How to create an Alias for an application?

    Where did you drag it to? It works on my machine even if I drag it to another volume.
  19. rubaiyat

    DVD Burning on MAC

    You did click on the MacUpdate and Toast links above?