Search results

  1. B

    What is the max time you should leave your iMac on?

    '... just untill I reboot??' - until Apple Com...., opps - 'Apple, Inc.' fixes the low level features (problems); or, realistically - you reboot the iMac.
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    What is the max time you should leave your iMac on?

    'Oh okay, so letting it sleep for extended periods of time is okay?' - yes.
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    What is the max time you should leave your iMac on?

    By hardware standards - you can leave the iMac ON, whether or not you decided to utilize 'sleep', indefinitely. However, software (more specifically - MacOS X 10.0.0 - 10.4.8) wise, the iMac will become sluggish over time. Once again - the reason being inappropriate memory (including...
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    Rename many files at once

    'In Windows, I was able to ...' - this is '' ... 'Please don't suggest a add-on utility, I'd like to do this within Finder without having to launch another application ...' - since 'MacOS X'es 'Finder' does not perform the mentioned 'Window Explorer' function; and, you do not want...
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    Removing Dashboard?

    'TinkerTool', via its toolbars' 'General' icon buttons' 'Dashboard:' 'Deactivate Dashboard' check box.
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    Newbie questions

    '2. Is there a way to show the ethernet connection status as an icon on the upper taskbar panel? - (note: I do not have a wireless Windoze connection, and thus cannot associate with '... like what is found in Windows') 'MenuMeters' (donation ware); click on the 'Network' tab, and then add a...
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    How do I transfer OS9 files from a hdd to OSX?

    'I see some reference to OS9 files but they seem like shortcuts.' ... 'How can I see these files on this disk and hopefully copy them off to my iMac for writing to a DVD.' 01. Perform a right button (''<control>' - with single button mouse) click on the System 9 alias (Windoze - shortcut, Mac...
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    Need help with Ripper, please

    '... if the DVD-r, a 4.7GB dvdr with a movie, is copied on my laptop, it copys it at 4.7GB+ sometimes up to 8.0GB.'... ''Why is this so?' - if the DVD you are copying, and thus removing the encryption - via 'MacTheRipper', is a commercial product - it would rarely be 4.x GB; but, is typically...
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    Problem with Firefox & Quicktime

    Since you have 'just updated some of the features in my macbook like quicktime etc.' (where 'etc' is not explicitly listed) - yes, some of the affects of the update(s) may, / may not, be responsible for 'Firefox' (if not itself) and / or 'QuickTime'. It is general pratice to launch (open, run)...
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    Please Help a semi Newbie

    'I am trying to run an autorun cd rom.' - is too generic a description (of the CD). Please specify the name of the CD, its publisher, and possibly a web site link. '... opens up a window which contains a couple folders and a couple unix executable files.' - the files are not UNIX executable...
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    Mac mini questions

    From 'Parallels' - "You can use Parallels Desktop for Mac on any Intel-powered iMac, Mac Mini, MacBook, MacBook Pro, & Mac Pro Towers." From a 'Google' 'mac mini virtualization' search - 'How to enable Virtualization on you Intel Mac Mini'.
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    Installing Gcc compiler on osx

    The 'gcc compiler' is installed when one installs 'XcodeTools' (via the 'XcodeTools.mpkg' file) from the installation CD (if installing Panther [MacOS X 10.3.x] or earlier) / DVD - in the '/Xcode Tools/' folder. Or, in the CDs' / DVDs' '/Xcode Tools/Packages/' folder is / are the 'gccx.x.pkg'...
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    Mac Mini

    'A 'painfully slow' Intel Mac probably needs the hard drive replaced (which would be warranty)' - is only an assertation. The capacity, speed, and overall performance of the hard disk drive, hdd, here and with others is acceptable and not related to the Mac Minis performance (non video editing)...
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    Mac Mini

    View 'MiniMac Duo painfully slow'.
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    Wallpaper Questions

    Once I have designated a picture as the wallpaper ['Wallpaper' is a windoze term, 'Desktop Picture'* is a Macintosh term - barhar] file, am I allowed to delete the picture file? - yes. --- 'Can I somehow add a command that shows up when right-clicking on a picture displayed on a webpage to...
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    HD Icon moved.

    Try the following: 01. If your screen is covered with many windows, and the 'Desktop' cannot be clicked on - press the 'F11' key to quickly gain access to the 'Desktop', and then click on the 'Desktop'; otherwise, click on the 'Desktop'. Either action will result in 'Finder' being set as the...
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    MiniMac Duo painfully slow

    'that's a little bit negative.' - yes, yes it is. But then, I read your reply on a Mac Mini and had to switch to another Mac to post this reply (I save all the '.webarchive' files on it). The Mac Mini is currently taxed running 'Adobe Reader', 'Firefox', two (2) applications I will not...
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    MiniMac Duo painfully slow

    Basically, the Mac Mini is crippled, as a stock purchase, due to insufficient amount of RAM. With the inefficient way memory is consumed by MacOS X, and then allocated within actual and virtual RAM for individual applications, the Mac Mini can be pain staking to use. Only by increasing the RAM...
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    Applescript that allows text to be inserted into MAIL OSX mail.

    By 'MailOSX' do you mean the application 'Mail' in the '/Applications/' folder? Assuming such - please provide the AppleScript code have you currently written and or modified.
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    Strange button on desktop - what is it?

    View '10.3: Enable the floating Exposé blob', and its referenced article - 'Hidden Dock Feature'.