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    plugged USB device in macbook, what now?

    01. Unplug the not needed 'Windoze XP' only Orinoco 8424 USB adapter. 02. 'what do i do ?' - answer DeltaMac's questions.
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    how do I look at annimated .gif images? [in mac]

    Also, (shareware) GraphicConverter. It can be used to create, edit, and / or view animated GIF files.
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    WHat is .MAC all about?

    '... I have no word on how it (.Mac) is?' ... '... what do you get in the package and what can you do with it?' - it is an Apple paid web site. You are provided with five (5) '.Mac' e-Mail addresses, 1 GB of on-line storage space, and numerous software application and tutorial freebies and some...
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    My Mac is fighting with My Adobe CS2

    You have two problems: A global - cannot print problem. Which by the original post, was the first of the two to occur. An Adobe suit problem. Create a new 'account' via the 'System Preferences' 'Accounts' utility. Once created and logged into, (the new account) attempt to print from any...
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    files lost/removed/... recovery?

    'I know it is risky to boot from the hard disk if you have deleted files that you want to recover.' - by what experience is this statement based upon? 'Can I boot into MacOS X in read-only mode?' - there is no such thing. All operating systems (may) perform background updating of files; even...
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    My cursor moves but everything else is frozen

    Various suggestions: 'Single User' mode and 'fsck -fy': 01. Reboot the Mac into 'Single User' mode. 02. Enter ... fsck -fy ... and press the <return> key. 03. Reboot and use the Mac. 'Install Disc': 01. Insert your 'Install' disc. 02. Reboot the Mac, with the <option> key pressed, selecting...
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    My G4 doesn't hear a mike

    'Are you saying that the regular microphone from Staples for $ 10 ... is NOT going to work with G4?' - there is no such thing as a 'regular' microphone. You have either purchased a microphone with a standard miniature phone plug or with a unique miniature phone plug designed such as to be...
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    SKYPE: Friend or Foe?

    'Do you like Skype on your Mac or not?' - yes. 'Please comment why/why not?' - it works; and, is even cross platform.
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    My G4 doesn't hear a mike

    You cannot connect a standard miniature phone plug microphone (mic, not 'mike') into the G4's mic jack. See this picture for an example of the miniature phone plug required. An alternative is to use an iMic, of which you can then use the standard miniature phone plug microphone with.
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    Workflows Keep Coming Back

    01. Open the folder '/Users/MyName/Library/Workflows/Applications/Finder/'. 02. Launch (open, run) 'Terminal' (in the '/Applications/Utilities/' folder), placing the 'Terminal' window to one side of the opened folder window (of Step 01.). 03. Enter ... rm -rf ... pressing the 'spacebar'...
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    creating a tiger dvd with nero

    'How did you get the .dmg file to the Windows machine?' - as per the original post - '... so i decided to download a .dmg from the net ...'. One can download (particularly) any file format on any computer platform. Whether or not one can use or manipulate such file (format) is another thing...
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    how do i delete log files on os x

    '... i tried in terminal (var/log) but i get permission denied.' - enter ... sudo bash ... and press the <return> key. When prompted for a 'password', enter it and press the <return> key. You may now perform 'root' level actions.
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    '... i cant change the time... its 2 hours ahead of me.. im in chicago ...' - ... 01. Launch 'System Preferences' (either select the 'Apple System Preferences' menu item, or locate 'System Preferences' in the '/Applications/' folder). 02. Click on the 'Date & Time' utility. 03. Click on the...
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    how to send a fax?

    [Post removed due to ''s inability to display uploaded '.jpg' file(s)]
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    Can't download anything!!

    01. By default, 'Safari' saves all downloaded files to the 'Desktop', until the user (via 'Safari's 'Safari, Preferences...' menu items' toolbars' 'Genera' panel) sets the 'Save downloaded files to:' popup menu to save the downloads elsewhere. 02. The 'download module' is a 'Downloads'...
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    Restore Hidden Files

    '... what it (Symantec) calls a &#8220;low risk level&#8221; virus ...' - does not make the referred to code a virus. If I were to visit ones residence, created an AppleScript or Perl script, or XCode executable, and then executed it - where it proceeded to delete files and folders throughout...
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    Restore Hidden Files

    'Trash does not have a 'restore' feature like Windows XP' - true. Windoze (including XP) also has viruses, MacOS X does not. MacOS X has widgets, Windoze XP (currently) does not. etc., ... Actually, the 'restore' feature of Windoze's recycle bin - is not a 'deleted item restore'; but...
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    Hundreds of untitled folders on my desktop

    'Anyone ever have folders start appearing on their desktop?' - yes.
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    G4 ibook freezing

    'I ... did start using wireless broadband (via a bt homehub) around the time that this' ... 'G4 ibook keeps freezing' ... 'started happening. BT have assured me it is nothing to do with the hub as I did not load any software onto the machine in order to access it.' - BT is most likely correct...
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    problem with window media player

    '... it seems to just sit on my toolbar ...' - I presume you are referring to the 'Dock' (when stating 'toolbar'). On the Mac, a 'toolbar' may reside in a 'Finder' window or within an applications' window or respective floating window. '... if i launch wmp in another account it works.' -...