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  1. ulrik

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    you don't have to be jelous. If I'd tell you how much work I had to do and how much stress I had to bear, you maybe would be happy that you didn't have to do all this...
  2. ulrik

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    *the door of the bar is opened, a stranger walks in, wearing a long, brown coat, full of dust. He sits down on the bar and quietly orders a drink, before he shouts TADAAAAA! Hey, after a week of holidays I am finally back on my Mac (hey, that rymes ;) In my new office, in my new company...
  3. ulrik

    Congrats to Bluefusion!!!

    They actually get a "I understand Herve" t-shirt
  4. ulrik

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    good to hear. I have also been more a lurker the last days since I have lot of work to do...
  5. ulrik

    New rule?: Annoyances

    Is this like teamkilling in Wolfenstein, like if you teamkill me once again you get kicked? Man that annoys me....
  6. ulrik

    Congrats to Bluefusion!!!

    congrats bluefusion :D
  7. ulrik


    No, it was fixed, else, you would have noticed it since the system would come to a halt. Memory leaks can happen when you have an error in memory allocation in an application, like when you allocate memory for variables somewhere over and over. The leak in PW was BIG, around 300k wasted per...
  8. ulrik


    Well I didn't like ProcessWizard. I am not a big fan of such apps, plus when I first used it, I discovered a HUGE, REALLY HUGE (REALLY REALLY HUGE) memory leak, in a software which wasn't even declared as beta but as final. Since this experience, I never looked at it again. I've written some...
  9. ulrik

    Congrats to Ulrik!

  10. ulrik


    or you could just use "renice". Just type "man renice" into the terminal to find out more about it
  11. ulrik


    it can. it just has to raise it's own priority. Like FCP, which brings the whole system nearly to a halt when it does it's realtime effect magic.
  12. ulrik

    Congrats to Ulrik!

    I agree. It was those 4mb L2 cache which attracted me to buying that thing! 4 mb L2 Cache is just I red that it peaks out at around 8 gigaflops, and REAL 8 gigaflops, not the fakes numbers Apple puts on their site (since on a G4, you only reach those gigaflop numbers when...
  13. ulrik

    Congrats to Ulrik!

    sadly, I am far away from Berlin. Berlin is in northeast of Germany, I am in the southwest, 10 kilometres away from Heidelberg... ...oh and...TRY STEALING MY O2! TRY IT!!! :D Seriously, it's no big deal. I checked and you get the O2 in the US for the same low prices like over...
  14. ulrik

    Congrats to Ulrik!

    The old Indigo is running fine, doing exactly nothing but SETI at the moment. The O2 - if I manage to find a bigger monitor - will also be fine, at the moment, it is running on a 15'' monitar. But techincally, it is running fine. I even get some pre-release version of IRIX GIMP running on it. I...
  15. ulrik

    Congrats to Ulrik!

    Well, actually I am happy when somebody stops me from talking about computers. Though it is both my life, my hobby and my job, it sometimes just feels good not to talk about it...maybe that's why most of the time no male or female person is willing to spend time with me I won't ask what was so...
  16. ulrik

    Star Wars Aoc

    Actually, Jar-Jar is responsible for the success of the later Empire. Without his stupidity, Palpatine would not be able to command the clone army legaly...if Padme would have been on Coruscant, this speech would have never been delivered. Palpatine knew how easily he could persuade Jar-Jar to...
  17. ulrik

    Star Wars Aoc

    In the original plot...he's dead. What the books say is something different...
  18. ulrik

    Star Wars Aoc

    Han Solo, who is still nearly blind, gets warned by Chewbacca that Boba is standing behind him. Han still has the weapon of one of the skiff guards in his hands. He turns around and accidentely hits the flight pack from Boba which starts, flying him towards Jabba's barge. He slams against the...
  19. ulrik

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    Ed, did you receive my email???
  20. ulrik

    Star Wars Aoc

    This is the only scene in the original trilogy which REALLY pisses me off! I am a big Boba Fett fan, I just love this character...but the way he dies is just....well....he deserved something better than dying in a stupid joke where nobody laughs...