Herve's Bar & Grill

nkuvu I will probably gravitate towards teh wall and stick like spiderman, THEN I will suckerpunch the person if you trhow me from teh balcony :p hehehe ;)
Well I haven't posted in the B&G in a while. I've been busy doing various things including studying.. :(. Anyways how is everyone doing? Things have actually been going alright despite the studying :).
How it going gents? Just thought I would stick my head in and say "Hey."

I see im not the only one with a butt-load of study-ing to do. Finals next week. Then onward to my last summer of freedom. After next year, when im a senior, I will have to join the real world. Scary, huh?

Well that all for me. Im glad that there is still one place for "sane" conversation. Have a good one guys... and girls!
LOL strangely enough, the past week has been my busiest in my MacOSX history... I must have gotten 200 posts in this week alone... *sigh* well, hate to break it to ya guys, but tomorrow is my last real day of anything (last day of finals), then just Field Day and random ceremonies, so I'll probably be posting even more than usual :) Ahh, the luxury of having nothing to do...

Now, how I managed to study for finals and STILL get more posts in one week than normal is my secret. :) I hope you guys don't mind that I'm becoming a bit like xoot in that sense :P I don't mean to, I just happen to be around the B&G a lot of the day these days :) I guess I should try to cut back on posts a LITTLE, huh? :)
Originally posted by nkuvu

Of course we have a balcony. How else do you propose that we get to the rooms on the second floor??

LOL I didn't even know we had/needed a second floor... :) shows ya how out of it I am :)

And why would having a second floor require a balcony? :D
Because otherwise there wouldn't be anyplace to walk but the awning...

In case you're wondering, I envision the B&G as someplace that changes constantly, so normal rules of construction don't apply
dial up internet is a discrace to computer usage. how i hate you wnidows Me and dial up internet. some day i will kill it, and get some more ram, and a better graphics card because 8 megs dosnt cut it.....damn you compaq...
Anyone here know what Coby Dick looks like recently? You know, the frontman for Papa Roach?

Well... people say I look like him now after I got my hair style changed...

*ed slaps BB one more time for the hair color. bleach blond is just so ugly. why couldn't it be blue or purple? Ed likes purple.* *wait, maybe the hair is the result of BB being slapped around too much. Ed decides not to slap BB anymore lest permanent brain damage is done.:D *

Casey, are you sure you could be found legally competent to make your own decisions right now?;)

*ed stifles back his tears. little BB is growing up. He's not that cute little kid anymore:p :rolleyes: *
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
why couldn't it be blue or purple

my friend is getting blue, my other friend is getting green, and the other is getting red...

i'm "bleached"


and yes, i made this decision in pure sanity... i actually wanted to do this since last summer...
hmm... all this talk is making me wanna dye my hair again! I think I will... well.. soon... this weekend I'm going to delaware... then next weekend, i'll get my hair cut and dye it! Should i do the same i did last time, get bleached highlights and then dye those highlights dark dark "blood red" (according to the dye)... or do something different? Hopefully work will accept me... if not, no great loss...

oh yeah, and dialup *****!

ack! my exclamation of suckiness was censored!
An old man was sitting on a bench at the mall.
A young man walked up to the bench and sat down. He had spiked hair in all different colors: green, red, orange, blue, yellow, and purple.

The old man just stared....

The young man said sarcastically, "What's the matter old timer, never done anything wild in your life?"
Without batting an eye, the old man replied, "Got drunk once and had sex with a parrot. I was just wondering if you were my son."