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  1. F

    LOL this is funny ->

    So i take it you have seen the Anakin Skywalker(flash) one then, that was piss :-) Is this the same Ed who was an admin ages ago doing Psychology?
  2. F

    LOL this is funny ->

    Well im sorry people i found that piss funny and to be quite frank as i said earlier it isnt what hes taking the piss out of its the way he does it thats so funny. Atleast some found it funny.
  3. F

    LOL this is funny ->

    crawfordna, Thank you!!! Thats exactly what i meant, its probably the best one ive seen so far :D
  4. F

    LOL this is funny ->

    Look mate, if you cant find that funny then i dont know what you will find funny. I mean even a dead guy would laugh at that. Who cares what hes complaining about there have been similar ones about PC's. Whats funny is the guys tone of voice, facial expressions and the way he takes the piss...
  5. F

    LOL this is funny ->

    Hi all, I know i dont post here often but i saw this on a PC forum the other day and pissed myself laughing. You lot will deffo see the lighter side of this. Enjoy :D It is 50MB im afraid but the download is pretty quick for anyone with...
  6. F

    HaHa Darkside Switcher! CHECK THIS OUT!

    Hi Ed, i do pop in every now and again. I thought that was funny, i love star wars. I like Apple's offerings at the moment, im just broke. I havent upgraded my PC in 6 months. I should be starting a work placement in London hopefully in september so really have to save money.
  7. F

    HaHa Darkside Switcher! CHECK THIS OUT!

    This is funny guys, clearly also a dig at apple :D :D It doesnt sem to want to work from this forum go here and click the link in the first post its worth it trust me.
  8. F

    Previous theme of forum was better

    I think the new theme is much better, i also like the quick reply feature at the bottom of each page.
  9. F

    LMAO check this Switch cartoon out!

    LOL this is funny requires flash 5 plugin to play.
  10. F

    New 19" imac's coming

    I definately think there is some truth to the 192 story because things that appear on the inquirer always tend to be true. Mike Magee knows what hes on about.
  11. F

    applications OS X could use that Windows has

    You all forgot about Halflife and counterstrike, you have to play it to understand how good it is.
  12. F

    New 19" imac's coming

    Looks like there are gonna be 19" Imacs in the 4th quarter.
  13. F

    I bought my first PC

    ED You have definately earned my respect from what ive seen in this thread, even though im pro pc more often than not you still let me go about my business aslong as i dont break the rules. Yet you are quick to pounce on rule breakers pro mac or not. Well done keep up the good work, and...
  14. F

    I bought my first PC

    marmotton OSX free??? thought not:rolleyes:
  15. F

    Gateway's iMac look-alike!

    Plastic I do see eye to eye with you on some point for sure, i only asked you the questions i did because you were so bold with your previous statements i thought i would ask you to prove them thats all. For the record if it was my choice about buying the imac or the Gateway i would buy...
  16. F

    Gateway's iMac look-alike!

    plastic What can your dual 1Ghz Mac do that a Dual Athlon XP2200 cant do at a better price and twice as quick, im quite curious about this point. Since when are macs quicker at video rendering etc(clue for you NEVER, why dont you try and show a benchmark that proves other wise obviously the...
  17. F

    Gateway's iMac look-alike!

    You dont get it do you, when people compare the imac to the new Gateway like gateway want them to do, the imac will be lacking badly especially in PERFORMANCE and also in price. the LCD in the Gateway is also better quality then the cheap one in the imac. Im sorry but if you judge a new...
  18. F

    Gateway's iMac look-alike!

    ImacLover Those stupid error reports are irritating i agree, you must admit though that you obviously are the most experienced of windows users out there, i say that not as an insult but because i never have those problems with my machine because 1) i know how to set up a Win machine very...
  19. F

    Gateway's iMac look-alike!

    Neyo if youve all heard all before why say it in the first place. Come on mate leave spelling alone, thats a bit low and pretty predictable. Thinking someone is a fool because they have bad spelling on a forum is somewhat naive though. I didnt even want to spend the time i did on the last...
  20. F

    Gateway's iMac look-alike!

    Why are you bad mouthing windows mate, MS already has surpassed OSX so i dont know what you are on about. It is FASTER more STABLE has more SUPPORT and SUPPORTS more Hardware then OSX. What more do you want iMaclover? I hear everyone say "The power of OSX" what bull, what usefull thing...