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  1. N

    Chimera ´¨ problem

    I'm using Navigator 0.30, and i can't make é lettwes. I do Alt-E, press E, but just a regular e appears. Same thing with ü. Is this normal, or is something wrong? i do it now by typing the letters in the menu bar - where it works
  2. N

    Highest load Averange?

    :) And this image is nót faked by photoshop or something... The reason of this was Neo. I was downloading some files, and my iMac got slower and slower... I saw Neo used 403 MB of RAM. What's you're highest load averange?
  3. N

    Toast 5 burning problem

    When i try to burn a certain disk image, i get these errors: and The disk ejects, and i have no burned CD. What's wrong, and how can i fix this? Edit: Typo
  4. N

    It's Here - 10.1.5

    When i use Software Update, nothing shows up. That's propably because i allready installed a beta build, 5S57. How do i remove this one? (i remembers this also happenen when the first update came out 10.0.0 --> 10.0.1, i had (illegal) 4L7 installed, instead of 4K64)
  5. N

    Mac OS X 10.1.5 Released!

    I have a different readme file i see... Seems that 'my' newer build has some more features... And i got this build already 8 days, who knows what they have @ Apple right now...
  6. N

    Flagship Stores.

    You guys are lucky that you even háve stores... I think the nearest store from my home would be...? 1200 km? Well, maybe if the stores are a succes, they'll build some here in europe.. :)
  7. N

    Mac OS X 10.1.5 Released!

    I'm not saying it's officially released, but it's just to get you started... ;)
  8. N

    Military doesn't like Apple.

    Stupid army... Let's hope their systems gets hacked, with the hackers leaving a message: "This system is hacked by terrorists..." ;)
  9. N

    [HOWTO] - Mounting Shrinkwrap .img's in OSX

    I tried this with four different Shrinkwrap files, but i always get the error: "Toast could not detect the format of *Name Image*. Click Continue if you are sure that this is a valid disc image." When i click that, the finder gives the error that i inserted an blanck disc (the same when...
  10. N

    a Test

    Nope, don't see anything, it just loads 'regular' (IE 5.1). I think that's some of the PeeZee-only code micro$oft has invented... I bet that site was made with M$ FrontPage...
  11. N

    Mac OS X 10.1.5...

    Hey, you got another one. I got this:
  12. N

    10.2 and Greek -- Good News--sort of

    Here you go: And i have some Puma pics/movs too: you can find them on:
  13. N

    PhotoShop 7 coming in April

    I just checked and saw it's allready here... :)
  14. N

    Do you like the dock?

    I like it, but i think it has to be more 'interactive'. It's nice to play a QT movie in it, but useless. Window users can see the speed and how for their DL is (in %), and wich MP3 they are playing. They can close windows from the dock, not only the whole app. But besides this i like it, quick...
  15. N

    iTunes loses ID3 tag settings

    When i DL an MP3, the ID3 tag is often something like: 'cool_trance-ppk-ressurrection_russian_trance1999.mp3'. I just wanna rename that to 'PPK - Resurection'. It seems that the macversion 1.x of the tag doesn't support tags longer than 31 letters, so i use the 2.x version. When i go to the...
  16. N

    Mouse slow after plugging something in keyboard hub..

    I have it too. When i just disconnect my mouse and put it back again after a second, the speeds jumps to 'slow'. It's even after i have played Quake 3 Arena... Using a Ruby iMac 450 Mhz, OS X 10.1.2
  17. N

    'Top' command questions

    I'm playing around with the terminal, and i often use the top command to see how my system's doing. I see things like: PID COMMAND %CPU TIME #TH #PRTS #MREGS RPRVT RSHRD RSIZE VSIZE 370 iTunes 26.8% 15:41.81 9 142 181 6.41M 6.96M 9.79M 59.8M Waht are all the...
  18. N

    Transparant Menu Bar

    Take a look @ You'll find the app there and instructions (you need some sort of plugin). Succes!
  19. N

    Transparant Menu Bar

    No, Sorry, i didn't find a way to make it reálly transparant. But i got this after i force-quitted an app...