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  1. Rhisiart

    Missing Home Folders

    Thank you. Got it now. But the Sites folder still isn't available.
  2. Rhisiart

    Missing Home Folders

    The Home Library, Public and Sites icons are not in the sidebar bar (and Preferences do not allow me to add these), nor are the folders in the Finder window - so I can't drag them into the sidebar.
  3. Rhisiart

    Missing Home Folders

    Since I upgraded to Mavericks I cannot see the following folders in my Finder's side bar: Sites, Public and (Home) Library. I have had counselling over this and my counsellor has put this down to the lose of my pet rabbit when I was eight years old. However, this doesn't solve the problem...
  4. Rhisiart

    The new OS X Mavericks

    Correction. You can untag a file or folder. If a file or folder is tagged click on the tag colour and a cross appears and that removes the tag. By the way, I checked to see if Adobe CS3 products worked on Mavericks before upgrading from 10.8.5 and as far as I could ascertain they did, only to...
  5. Rhisiart

    The new OS X Mavericks

    Oddly enough, one of the problems I had with Mail was attachments (for several days), but miraculously this has resolved itself :-) I also find that if I type in the first few letters of an email address (which autofills perfectly), I now have to hit return before I can add other addresses...
  6. Rhisiart

    The new OS X Mavericks

    Mail is a nightmare on Mavericks
  7. Rhisiart

    The new OS X Mavericks

    Have just upgraded from 10.8.5 with a new Mac Mini (see specs below) and I can't believe how much slower 10.9 is compared with 10.8.
  8. Rhisiart

    Turn off Mac at night?

    I generally keep my Mac Mini left on overnight in sleep mode. Is it better to shut down at night or is it harmless to leave the computer running overnight?
  9. Rhisiart

    Spinning pizza

    I can't access either the Console or the Activity monitor as the spinning pizza of death appears immediately after launching any programme. I'll try rebooting the MacBook and see if I can access the console straight away.
  10. Rhisiart

    Spinning pizza

    I am sure this question has been asked before but I searched though old questions and couldn't find one relevant. When I boot up my MacBook Pro it starts fine but within five minutes the spinning pizza arrives and then I cannot do anything. The whole system seizes up. I have reset the PRAM...
  11. Rhisiart

    Do you have any weird habit? Share them.

    Exactly the same for me. Unfortunately we have a street light right outside our bedroom window and I am convinced that it prevents me going into REM sleep (he says very tired after ten years of that damn street light). Hmmm. In my case, it depends on how hungry I am :-). I suppose my weird...
  12. Rhisiart word association!

    Trump (Donald)
  13. Rhisiart word association!

  14. Rhisiart

    What Song Are You Playing Now?

    Sailing by Christopher Cross
  15. Rhisiart word association!

  16. Rhisiart

    Corrupt Sound Preferences

    I fixed the problem eventually by doing a complete clean install. Took forever to do but luckily everything was backed up. Many thanks.
  17. Rhisiart

    Corrupt Sound Preferences

    Yes It passed with flying colours. No, they don't work using another User account. Everything works perfectly in Safe Mode. No difference. No difference.
  18. Rhisiart

    Corrupt Sound Preferences

    1. I cannot adjust my sound volume on my Mac Mini. 2. Whenever I click on the Sound panel in System Preferences, System Preferences fails to respond and I have to force quit it. Any ideas re: solutions please? Update: Now System Preferences unresponsive for all panels.
  19. Rhisiart word association!

    dosh (English slang for cash)
  20. Rhisiart


    I am sure Mountain Lion has many plaudits. I run it on my MacBook Pro, but I run Lion on my Mac Mini (which is to old to run Mountain Lion). And yet, having now experienced both operating systems for some months, I feel Lion is better. Less gismos, less eye candy, fit for purpose (OK, the...