Search results

  1. Ifrit

    palm software

    Unfortunally isync still doesn't sync categories from, or to the Palm handheld. Lets say if I create a contact information which is "private" and another one which is in the category "work" on my ibook, and then proceed to sync it with isync, it shows up as "not categorized" on my Palm. Vice...
  2. Ifrit

    Platinum Theme ( - "The one with Susan..."

    Its not OSX related but Apple should "fix" the horrendous Windows Quicktime interface ( and the perferences/quicktime tray icon BTW) and adjust it to the Windows itunes look. Quicktime for Windows still looks like "5 years ago" and thats one of the biggest reasons most people don't want to use...
  3. Ifrit

    Colour iPod (merged thread)

    Isn't this a mood point? Even with current ipods you _can_ store and playback copyright materials you don't own. Everyone can download music files of a P2P network and store it on this device or another. Other media player are able to playback movies on the go. Do other companies get...
  4. Ifrit

    Platinum Theme ( - "The one with Susan..."

    I have to agree here. The only advantage of brushed metal was, that that you could drag the windows by clicking on a "free", area. The next logical step (to me) was to create an similar theme which captures the "essence" of aqua and then get rid of the interface (BM) that doesn't share the aqua...
  5. Ifrit

    OS X on X-Box

    Most likley the "xbox 2" won't be backwards compatible. It is (will be) based on a PowerPC system, the original xbox is a X86 system. Emulation of an X86 system is no option because even if it works it will never run original xbox games at full speed. On a sidenote the graphics core of...
  6. Ifrit

    Platinum Theme ( - "The one with Susan..."

    I noticed this theme from the Tiger presentation. Remember the spotlight feature shown on the system preferences? System preferences used the same theme/style in Tiger. Personally I thought: "Would be neat to see other application which use the same style, or as a replacement for the metal...
  7. Ifrit

    iMac G5 first pics of unpacking and disassembling

    The enclosure of the G5 CPU has been sealed with some sort of plastic seal. If you breake it (which you have to do, in order to exchange it) the warranty is voided.
  8. Ifrit

    iMac G5 first pics of unpacking and disassembling

    No it doesn't, in contrary you are supposed to take the imac appart to upgrade it. Thats what an european Apple spokesman said to the reporters of an german computer magazine ("c't" is the name of the magazine) You are allowed to replace RAM, HD and the wireless lan card, even the display (if...
  9. Ifrit

    remote to control AirTunes/AirPort Express!!!

    As far as I know a couple of people on these boards told about the damage the heat did to their laptop screen, after they had it running with closed lid for a certain amount of time (for example in Firewire mode). I don't think that the keyboard is the problem.. it is the heat that builds up...
  10. Ifrit

    Graphite airport station. Dead?

    Yes you are right nixgeek, but I'll better wait 'til the store owner returns from vacation, maybe I'll get a replacement (airport express) :D. As I already said, I purchased it 1/2 years ago and it is still covered by the warranty. EvenStranger: Thats one of the first things I did after the...
  11. Ifrit

    Graphite airport station. Dead?

    He, he, no sorry, the drawer trick didn't work but I've looked around the web other forums, did a google search etc. and apparently I am not the only one who had this kind of problem with the graphite airport station. In the first batch of these, electronic components of inferior quality were...
  12. Ifrit

    Graphite airport station. Dead?

    Today I rearragended my room and I had to reposition my airport base station. I unplugged it (Ethernet, power) but after plugged it back but it just keeps cycling through the strange light patterns: 3 orange, 1 red, 1 orange, 3 orange, 1 green (for 1 sec), then it repeats the process. Is it...
  13. Ifrit

    10.4 Features!

    I haven't read the entire thread but what Apple should do (of course I am unable to tell a huge enterprise what to do, but at least I am able to express my opinions here) IMHO, is to fix the flaws of the current OSX system. SMB browsing is still utterly broken, or only works randomly and I...
  14. Ifrit

    what happened to VirtualPC7?

    Something I would like to see (and which others mentioned before) is a desktop less emulation of Windows, like Wine. I mean I wouldn't go as far as adding osx styled title bars to windows applications, but removing the windows desktop should be possible. We already have a start menu application...
  15. Ifrit


    Some new builds of Longhorn have been send out to various German comuter magazines. c't (computer & technique). c't is one of the most professional and reliable german magazine, IMHO. The new DirectX 9 effects and the "Aero Glass" UI system could be enabled in the current longhorn build by...
  16. Ifrit

    Printing from Panther to XP over LAN, jobs dissapear...

    The generic printer option often doesn't work. MacOSX tries to access your printer with an generic ps protocol which the printer often isn't capable to interpret correctly. (My printer wasted 30 sheets of paper while trying to interpret the OSX ps gibberish and I was out of the room. :o ) Sorry...
  17. Ifrit

    10.3.4 broke my iBook!

    Ok, started the mac with cmd(apple) and V to see whats happening. It stops after: "network services will be initialized /etc/rc: line 282: 122 Hangup Systemstarter -gr ${VerboseFlag} ${SaveBoot} ApplePMUUser-Client::setProperties WakeOnAChange 0" Maybe it can't initialize the services...
  18. Ifrit

    10.3.4 broke my iBook!

    Nearly the same happened on my ibook. I've read this post (on my PC), and tried disabling the screensaver while it was updating (without pushing the "test screensaver" buttons or anything) I just had the screensaver preferences pane open. The screen immediately went black, the ibook froze and I...
  19. Ifrit

    Help! my green iPod is very sick!

    Hm, to disable automatic syncing click on th ipod preference button below in itunes (see attached picture) and check the third option button in the following dialoge.
  20. Ifrit

    Batch build custom Finder icons for images.

    Pic2Icon is the app you are searching for. Check Photoshop does it as well :D , but unfortunally the icon creation is just a "side effect" and not available for batch processing.