10.4 Features!

more intuitive simpler ways to burn dvds and cds without 3rd party software. As well as virtual tunneling and free .mac email.
mi5moav said:
more intuitive simpler ways to burn dvds and cds without 3rd party software. As well as virtual tunneling and free .mac email.

What's wrong with CD / DVD burning @ present? Between Finder, Disc Utility and iApps it seems fine. I have one query, something i've never bothered to look for, since i use Toast. Anyhow, out of the box, can OS X do multi-session CDR burning? As I say, I use it, but Toast works a treat for me! :)
I would like to see some sort of media centric app that will provide TV viewing and PVR functions with some kind of hardware. It would also be nice to integrate all of the iApps with this software. It will also be nice to output to HDTV.
I would like to be able to run multiple desktops at the same time, BUT, from different computers. Sort of like a dumb terminal, we could log into the machine from a remote location and have our own screen without taking over the regular screen that someone physically at the computer may be using.
That would work if you were running all Macs, but it'd be cool if you could run the Mac desktop on a PC too, sort of like VNC, but without taking over the whole screen.

Like VNC/Remote Desktop and virtual desktops all in one.
I believe that Longhorn will be doing the expose thing (under another name) when it finally ships. I have seen some video and it looks promising so apple should introduce some advanced expose functionallity. Its time for expose to start maturing in 10.4
jackdahi said:
I believe that Longhorn will be doing the expose thing (under another name) when it finally ships. I have seen some video and it looks promising so apple should introduce some advanced expose functionallity. Its time for expose to start maturing in 10.4

Actually, those videos (which show windows with nifty eye candy being applied to them) are apparently merely to show the way that Longhorn will use DirectX in a way similar to how OSX uses Quartz/Quartz Extreme. If ANYTHING those effects will manifest themselves in things that are similar to the "Genie Effect" in OSX.

The effects they applied for the demo showed windows being morphed like Flags and things.

I want OSX to implement some of the cool things I saw in the Sun Looking Glass demo vid. Damn that was nifty. Like the way windows react and things.

I also want to see some sort of sketchpad program bundled with OSX, which could use the power of Inkwell, but not necessarily with a tablet.

Oh, and allow us to use the Apple menu in the very top corner of the screen, not strictly over the Apple logo... OR let us assign the corners to functions other than just Exposé and Screen Effects.
texanpenguin said:
I want OSX to implement some of the cool things I saw in the Sun Looking Glass demo vid. Damn that was nifty. Like the way windows react and things.

I too think it will be a great idea.
Someone on Dave Hyatt's blog (in the comments) asked for a fade-out/fade-in effect in Safari when loading new pages. That would certainly make browsing nicer. :)
How about a decent implementation of Meta-Data, like BeOS/BFS/Tracker. This could get a bit complicated, but would definately made up for it for Power-Users. This would also require a live Metadata Updater, which extracted ID3-Tags, JPEG EXIF Data and Word Document Attributes to FileSystem Attributes on-the-fly.

Other Things that would be nice are updates for iSync, AddressBook and iCal, so they can have better support for existing devices, and an increase in the number of devices supported. iSync still feels like a Work-In-Progress.

Better Image Support is also a High Priority for me too.
The Reason PNGs are so fantastic (IMO), is Adam-7 Interlacing. When Progressive JPEGs and Interlaced PNGs don't show up any differently to Standard JPEGs and non-Interlaced PNGs, it's quite detracting. Nothing worse than having to wait for a large PNG to finish loading before you know what the hell it's supposed to be.
soulseek said:
i too think it would be a waste of processor power!!!
You and I encounter once again.........

Your right, if I were running a 300mb photoshop file.

But for the most of us that use the computer for many other things other than processor hungry apps, there is an advantage to some of the project looking glass concept.

The fact of the matter is not everyone that runs Mac OS requires the power that can produce. So if I have an iMac and use it for browsing and database development why could I not use the remaining processor power to enhance my navigational experience.

How about a college student that is conducting some reaserch and needs a better method for organizing his material while he reads through it!

Why not add this feature and give poeople the choice for turning it on or off.
jackdahi said:
Why not add this feature and give people the choice for turning it on or off.
Because that leads to Feature Bloat, and an Inconsistant Desktop Across Machines. Sooner or later you end up like X11, with 3 different Desktop Environments, dozens of collections of different Apps which All do the same thing, and complex configuration techniques which make setting up the computer to how you like it last two weeks and some users not being able to use other users machines.

What about a Z-Snake (like BeOS R5.1) in Menus which not only highlights menu selections, but also the path Menu Selections take?
fryke said:
Mac OS X does that - without the vertical lines. I think the highlight is enough.

While I would agree with both you guys, but I am also a firm believer of choice. What can effectively work for both you guys might not work for me. And vice versa. Therefore there should be more methods for organizing information in the Mac OS. Give people the choice.
I haven't read the entire thread but what Apple should do (of course I am unable to tell a huge enterprise what to do, but at least I am able to express my opinions here) IMHO, is to fix the flaws of the current OSX system. SMB browsing is still utterly broken, or only works randomly and I don't feel that typing "smb://ip-adress/share" in the "connect to server" box is very convenient. (Or yelling through the room, asking my coworker which ip adress his computer has)

Smb really needs to be fixed.

Secondly, if somebody uses the generic ps printer driver, a diologe box should tell the user, that there might be unforseen results when using this driver. My printer wasted 30 pages printing out ps gibberish it couldn't interpret correctly (and I was out of the room)