I love OS X, don't get me wrong...
But sometimes, for some things, I just prefer the way Windows does it.
I want an option in View Options (Cmd-J) to sort folders independently of loose files, so I can see all my folders together at the top of my window. I'm very organised, most of my files are in folders. When I save a file as a loose file in a directory it's usually because I want to get to it quickly. I don't want to get it lost amidst folders. And I certainly don't want it above the folders (as anything with file-type less than 'Folder' does when sorted by type).
I want an option, or maybe even a third-party utility that can run on startup, that allows me to use the Windows behaviour of keyboard-selecting text or items, and to adopt the behaviours of Home, End, Page Up and Page Down. It's possible, because Office v.X uses the Windows selection algorithm and overrides Apple's one. I want to be able to click in the sentence once, and hold Shift and End and for that to select the whole line, to the end of that line. I want Home and End to be the beginning and end of a LINE not of a document. Or at least, I want the option.
Not for me, but for people who, above, stated they wanted to be able to quit programs from a widget - Cmd+Maximise is a variation of Maximising - couldn't we have Cmd+Close bound to Quitting? (For those that said the circle denotes quitting, it actually denotes changes since last saved).
Outside of XP-like differences, I want to see:
Support for separators in the Dock
The ability to change the selection box colour on the desktop (it's various shades of white at the moment which doesn't suit a white desktop picture).
Better transparency support across the board. I want to be able to copy from preview, and have the transparency map applied before it's sent to the clipboard, as opposed to having large quantities of black around transparent images (primarily for pasting into Get Info windows). I want Safari to show alpha-blended PNG files properly (case in point:
www.deviantart.com ).
I want to be able to have more than one dock if I want, one on the left, one on the right, one at the bottom, for various collections of icons.
I want to be able to set up, using fast user switching, a system of multiple desktops, so I can zap into a corner and the desktop folds over on itself with your username II...
When I'm going through spring-loaded folders to move a file or to drag a file over an application to open it with that application, I want to be able to scroll down in the Applications window somehow - apparently holding a file to the bottom of a window doesn't scroll down anymore.
I want to recover the ability from OS9 to drag windows to the sides of screens to form tabbed drawers.
Oh, and when Keyboard Navigation is on, I don't want to see an ugly blue glow around unselected items until I start tabbing. I also want this to (a la Windows) underline a character I can press to instantly select the option.
I'm really looking forward to the new update; I hope it lives up to my ridiculously high expectations.