Platinum Theme ( - "The one with Susan..." this thread about the name (which isn't even set in stone yet) or about the pic? How bout we quite arguing over something really dumb and find a link to that pic instead. Again, they took the pics down...might anyone have a link to em? I really wanna see this! :P
I love it. I love the new look. I thought it looked cluttered at first, but it must have been the annoying watermark. I love the single-window instead of the drawer. Very clean and professional!

Could this be a system-wide look, or perhaps just unique to certain applications? System-wide would be NICE!
Ripcord said:
Sorry, many (most?) of us speak this obscure dialect of English called "American" (Not to be confused with "North American"), where we tend to drop extra vowels (i.e. "color", "favorite", etc)

In some sub-dialects we also decide to add and remove vowels that aren't there, such as in the case of the word "nuclear" (pronounced "nook-yoo-lar" by some folks).

(I'm sorry, I just can't allow this thread to get back on track =)
I was originally attracted to the Mac OS (X and above) mainly because of its photo-realistic widgets and other elements, its air and feel of professional graphic design, its ability to provide a colorful interface without looking like something produced by Playskool.

Is it just me, or are many of the recent UI changes a move away from that?

Maybe I'm just living in the past...I consider the Powermac G4 cases to be the pinnacle of Apple's case design as well.

That said, I'm hoping to see a LOT of changes in 10.4 from what we saw at WWDC. What we were told was coming just wasn't terribly compelling.
Oh boy. This new look is neat and smooth, but not having a clearly defined title bar is certainly bad design. In fact, there is no "title bar". Brushed Alumin(i)um has the same flaw, and I always thought anyway that those window widgets look really awkward without anything to separate them from the contents of the window. Apple really needs to focus more on usability instead of just the "cool" factor.
Please no more arguing about the origins of Aluminum in this thread. Move it to the Cafe if you want, or if you are done, then that's good.
Pengu said:
The fact that something is written doesn't make it so.

So, are you saying I shouldn't believe the writing you quoted??

Anyway, I will believe it for now, as it seems to prove that I was right, and that the name 'Aluminum' was given to the element by it's discoverer before the name 'Aluminium', and that your statement "...but they ALL agree that it was called aluminium by EVERYONE until 1925" is twoddle (unless by 'ALL' you mean 'the ones I found after a quick search', and by 'until' you mean 'between 1812 and', and by 'EVERYONE' you mean 'the majority of people within the scientific community').

Oh, and I also can't find any disputing who discovered it.
soulseek: We didn't initially want to interfere, of course. A _little_ bit of off-topic aluminum-talk is perfectly okay, I think. However: We don't want this to go _too_ far... Besides: I think it's rather the lack of fresh Tiger news than the actual interest in aluminum/aluminium that spins this thread. ;-)
The guy who wanted to call it Aluminum AGREED to call it aluminium. That is why i said EVERYONE. And there are several sites online referencing different people as the discoverer of aluminium.

Now. let's give up on calling it anything metal based and do like Guy Ritchie suggests in one of his best movies: We'll call it Susan.
I noticed this theme from the Tiger presentation. Remember the spotlight feature shown on the system preferences? System preferences used the same theme/style in Tiger.

Personally I thought: "Would be neat to see other application which use the same style, or as a replacement for the metal brush theme."

My opinion is that the brushed theme is a relict of OS9 and although the OSX "version" has been improved several times, it still looks outdated.

If the new theme replaces the brushed metal, does that mean that other applications like itunes get the same threatment? Hm, itunes in white...

Hopefully apple don't decide to add it as third "application theme." This would really "break up" the look of OSX.
I _fear_ that Susan will become rather a third look than replacing Brushed Metal, since the Finder most definitely looked BM rather than Susan last time I checked. However: Those screenshots are about all we have on Susan and later Tiger builds... ;-)
soulseek said:
captain code. ur a bit late to break up the fight. about a day late... nice moderating.)

This isn't my forum to moderate. And I was just reminding people to stay on topic. Something wrong with that?
i dont think Susan is to replace BM. it is aqua that is at risk. System preferences, mail, searchlight etc all have Susan instead of aqua. it would be interesting to see screens of sherlock and text-edit to make sure aqua really is history.
Another thumbs up for Susan this end, she's a winner.

Heh, darn avatars, I can't shake the feeling that Captain Code looks like Vigo Mortenson... :rolleyes:
This new look looks like a replacement for the apps that are "white," not brushed metal -- System Preferences was "white" and mail was "white." I doubt it will replace brushed metal -- I think brushed metal is here to stay in Tiger, and this new look will be for the rest of the system.
eldiablo. if it is so. than i like it :)

brusthed metal is really cool :) (at least for me)

and this new platinum look to replace the cheap looking white interface in mail for example is very wellcome:)