Search results

  1. Ifrit

    Powermac G4 450MHz for $ 530. Do I get the money's worth?

    Thanks for the reply andychrist (and the other forumers), I never thought about the Mhz border. The only thing I had in mind was the "needs a G4" requirement. Unfortunally, it will take another 5 months until I am able to buy a new machine (with the current lousy job including my 2nd job...
  2. Ifrit

    Powermac G4 450MHz for $ 530. Do I get the money's worth?

    Currently I've saved $ 600 and thought about buying a used G4 (sawtooth?) at the local apple reseller. The powermac's internal HD was replaced with a 40GB one (7200RPM) and it also comes with 256MB RAM preinstalled. The installed stock ATI 128 Rage graphic card is the only disadvantage. I...
  3. Ifrit

    Buying used Macs...

    I wouldn't recomend ebay. Last year I sold my G3 clamshell ibook for ~ $ 800. If this isn't telling anything then... :p Honestly, if used macs are sold for almost the price of new ones, on ebay, I rather save some money and buy directly from the Apple store or an apple reseller. Personally...
  4. Ifrit

    Poor performance > Baldurs Gate 2 (OSX)

    I have tried both, Lord-Chin. There are OS9 executables AND OSX executables. As I already stated I tried classic, OS9, and the OSX version of the game. Playing the game in OS9 (by booting into it) made not much difference, performance wise. Compared to the PC version on my (3rd computer)...
  5. Ifrit

    Poor performance > Baldurs Gate 2 (OSX)

    It is already turned off, its the first thing I did 'cause BGII's 3D accelaration also causes problems in the Windows version. edit: BTW read my first post more carefully ;)
  6. Ifrit

    How to install garageband and idvd on another volume?

    Ok, I simply installed it on my ibook's HD. It takes less HD space than I expected (around 1,5GB). Later, I discovered that a copy of the ipod control folder (I made a backup of it on a DVD-RW) was still on my main HD (Desktop folder) which took away around 4gigs of HD space. (The ipod_control...
  7. Ifrit

    How to install garageband and idvd on another volume?

    Today I got my iLife package. Unfortunally the only option I have is to install idvd and garageband to an external volume (Lacie FW Pocket drive), One reason is, that not much space left on my ibook's HD (20GB > around 6GB free) and I don't want to clutter the remaining space with programs I...
  8. Ifrit

    Poor performance > Baldurs Gate 2 (OSX)

    The patch consists of new executables for the BG II game. But unfortunally it didn't fix my performance problems. I tried running the game in OS9. Although I got slightly better fps the game is still (really) sluggish if enemy caracters and spell effects are displyed at the same time.
  9. Ifrit

    Poor performance > Baldurs Gate 2 (OSX)

    Recently I purchased the mac version of Baldurs Gate 2. I know my ibook G3 700Mhz isn't excactly a "performace beast" in the gaming category, so I thought it shouldn't have any problems with a infinity engine based 2D game. But unfortunally the opposite is true. Baldurs Gate 2 OSX is sluggish...
  10. Ifrit

    Is it a good idea to update airport base station (graphite) firmware?

    Thank you for your replies, therefore I'll decide to follow the saying "Never touch a running system". I've read somewhere that the latest airport base station FW update introduced a lot of problems. So, I wasn't sure if an update would be such a good idea.
  11. Ifrit

    Is it a good idea to update airport base station (graphite) firmware?

    Recently I purchased a (new) graphite Airport base station. (which has been "lurking" in the shop for months/years and after a radical price drop I had to get it) The said airport station is working really well with no problems so far and is really easy to configure. Software Update offered a...
  12. Ifrit

    Panther freezing

    Defective RAM might be the reason for these occurrences. Once I installed an extra stick 256MB RAM into my ibook, and got the same issues (including "the sleep of death") until I replaced said stick.
  13. Ifrit

    Post your desktop !

    Hm, "virtual" desktop drawers. Somehow my twisted personality tends to miss the "old" OSX pine stripes. After visiting and finishing the resulting crude copy and paste job in Photshop, I finally brought 'em back to the desktop. IMHO its a nice way to implement the "Ren" pic into...
  14. Ifrit

    Panther, the Garfield among the OSX versions?

    Unfortunally it isn't possible after(!) the installation to remove certain things, like language packs which aren't needed. I was so excited after I got panther that I forgot to customize my installation. At least I restored 1GB by after trashing the developer folder. (I believe it was needed...
  15. Ifrit

    Panther, the Garfield among the OSX versions?

    Ok, I finished to restore my system to its former functionality. (Installing my applications, customize the system etc.) But after looking at the HDs 'get info' I saw that I only have around 4GB of free HD space left. Yikes! On Jaguar I had around 10GB left and I didn't installed more on my...
  16. Ifrit

    Post your desktop !

    Thanks, Zammy-Sam. Honestly I envy some of your "custom desktop items", but its faster for me to restore the system after it is messed up (which rarely happens in OSX) to its "former glory". I still have to find a HD icon which features a panther (the big cat).
  17. Ifrit

    Post your desktop !

    Nothing much has changed on my desktop with self made wallp... errr... background image. On the right are some projects I am currently working on (various image files), my ipod showing its modified icon is currently mounted. On the button right I put some folders in dock wich contain various...
  18. Ifrit

    Trashcan in the Panther finder and desktop please.

    Hm, personally I use hotkey command "apple+delete" (after selecting the file of course.
  19. Ifrit

    Panther Bugs and Incompatibilities (Post here)

    Network Printig via Samba must be configured through CUPS. The whole story: Currently there is a printer (HP deskjet 5550) connected on a windows machine and its also shared on the network. Great feature, panther finds the printer share without problems. But it isn't possible to...
  20. Ifrit

    Panther Bugs and Incompatibilities (Post here)

    Has anybody noticed that panther's smb 'networking' doesn't work, at least it doesn't work as well as as advertised. Honestly I feared its not gonning to work that well , that day Steve announced "Its going to autotetect your network!!1!". Windows capability to autodetect network shares isn't...