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  1. T

    Poll: What do you use your OS X box for ?

    ah, yes, that "educational" discount. very handy.
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    Put Trashcan Back on the Desktop

    yeah, the trash doesn't seem to be fully functional in the dock either :) the empty vs. full trash icon seems to just come and go as it pleases, looks empty when it's got stuff in it, looks full when it's empty, (at least on my system).
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    Poll: What do you use your OS X box for ?

    well, the only thing i can think of offhand, is Cleaner 5, made by Terran. It's mainly meant as a compression/recompression tool, but it'll definitely be able to playback for you. It can handle pretty much any type of audio/video format. it's kinda pricey though, but i bet you could find a...
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    Poll: What do you use your OS X box for ?

    do you need to edit video/sound in it, or do you just want to play it?
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    Put Trashcan Back on the Desktop

    sorry, forgot to mention that. it's on the developer tools CD.
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    Poll: What do you use your OS X box for ?

    Well, right now in OS X can't do whole lot, since none of my hardware is supported, but in OS 9, I do sound FX and design for TV/Film. Just waiting for the day when I can actually USE that second processor that's been collecting dust for the past year.
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    OSX Build 4L7

    Hey, I updated to 4L7 also, i started a thread elsewhere on the site also, and some people have put some stuff up there. feel free to check it out. As for myself, i haven't noticed much improvement for either 4L5 or 4L7. i think the only thing i saw improvement on was with 4L5, i think...
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    OS X 4L5

    you have a point, mr. pjs, but in my opinion right now (and i mean this in the nicest possible way) OS X to me is useless. none of my external audio hardware is supported, and doesn't seem like it will be in the relatively near future, so i'm just seeing this OS as an experiment. i dig new...
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    os x 4L7

    So, don't ask me why, but just with 4L5, i don't really see any improvement with my system, or anything wrong for that matter (anything new that is). seems to be trucking along just fine. Any one else notice anything?
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    monitoring disk space

    In the finder, under view, make sure "show status bar" is enabled. with that, just open up a window in the hard drive you want to check on, and it'll be listed there, right below the toolbar.
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    ProTools for OS X

    Well, LE wouldn't quite be up to a mix plus system, cause regardless of processing power, LE is limited to 24 tracks, but it would give a great boost as far as plugins are concerned. How OS X works is when you launch a 9.x app, a version of 9.1 boots up inside OS X. When you run the 9.x...
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    OS X 4L5

    The link is in THIS thread, check earlier
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    Change Startup Disks During Boot

    sfish, the option key hasn't worked with the 4k78 build or the 4L5 build. I get the choices of which drive to pick but the cursor with the clock ticking just keeps ticking away. tick...tick...tick...
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    ProTools for OS X

    Has anyone out there heard anything about Digidesign's plans to support OS X?
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    OS X 4L5

    I saw this off of A widely rumored update to OS X 10.0, which recently leaked in the form of the partially completed build 4L5, should ship within ten days, according to Apple sources. Originally the update was planned for much sooner -- it would have shipped late last week or...
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    Change Startup Disks During Boot

    The option key still does the trick in the Final version, yet I've had some problems using (i have only tried once though). on my system it pops up with the choices of which system to boot up in, but it just hangs there after i choose a system. annoying.
  17. T

    Change Startup Disks During Boot

    The option key still does the trick in the Final version, yet I've had some problems using (i have only tried once though). on my system it pops up with the choices of which system to boot up in, but it just hangs there after i choose a system. annoying.
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    I have basically the same setup as VGZ, and I would have to agree that things are pretty zippy on a G4 450 MP. Slightly slower than OS9 (and that's just nit picking). Genie FX run fast, screen resize nice and smooth. Definately pleased overall.
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    Bondi Blue iMac with 96 Megs of ram

    What's your processor speed? I think you need at least 128MB of RAM, so you would need a boost in that arena. I'm on a MP G4, so i'm not sure how your system would react, but I've heard some G3s have had sluggish performance. Look around the threads, I'm sure someone with your imac has made...
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    Put Trashcan Back on the Desktop

    Hey there, here is a little trick to put the trashcan back on the desktop. Since I'm terminal/Unix deficiant...this way is done thru using the Property List Editor. Very easy... 1. goto Users/USERNAME/Library/Preferences/ 2. Here just switch the setting...