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  1. Z

    Wow, got a lot better...

    "Better" is in the eye of the beholder. Personally I think the thumbnail window is a neat idea... which absolutely does not work for me. The fact that no preference exists for disabling it, is horrible IMO. Do this experiement... select 2 files in Finder and "Open"... they go in one...
  2. Z

    Unix Jaguar gotchas?

    Along the lines of 10.1.4->10.1.5 hosing postfix/sendmail and such.. anyone seeing anything breaking after installing Jaguar? (I hope its not verbotten to start asking so I know what to expect). I'm thinking along the lines of unix types of things (apache, sendmail, ssh, procmail, fink), not...
  3. Z

    htpasswd broken?

    simple actually (20/20 hindsight makes everything look simple....) my .htaccess file contained the line require user user1 user1 was the name of the user I had set up on another system, and that was the password entry in my .htpasswd that worked. When I tried to add user2 to the...
  4. Z

    htpasswd broken?

    Phew... finally after having almost torn out all of my hair :) looking at your .htaccess file. I had hard-coded in a "require user abc", hence user "me" could not authenticate. Dumb dumb dumb me. Many thanks guys. Mike
  5. Z

    htpasswd broken?

    thanks, I am aware of this. If you read the full thread you will see that I am able to authenticate using a password generated from a different system. I only fail when using passwords I generate on my Mac. Given this behavior, I'd say the authentication side of things is working. Mike
  6. Z

    htpasswd broken?

    Any chance you could try that on your Mac, running Netscrape 4.7x on your Solaris box? It fails authentication for me every time. Replacing that line, with a different one (generated on a different system), I authenticate just fine. Thanks, Mike
  7. Z

    htpasswd broken?

    "htdigest"? I am not familiar with this, can you elaborate? Thanks, Mike
  8. Z

    htpasswd broken?

    That's really odd then. As I mentioned, I can use a previously generated .htpasswd file and it works fine. It was only in trying to generate a new user that I am seeing the trouble. So I am certain AuthConfig is working, and my path to the file is correct. Back to the drawing board...
  9. Z

    htpasswd broken?

    I cannot get a usable password out of htpasswd. If I type htpasswd -c passwordfile me and enter "my" for the password, I get me:rrkKqy8tj/4SA as the resulting file. I post that to see comparisons from others. But when I put that into my .htpasswd file, I failed authorisation...
  10. Z

    Java applets in OSX?

    You can have Mozilla (and Netscrape) run at least some java with Works for me. Mike
  11. Z

    cgi-bin for WebServer/

    Then again, in an ironic (IMO) twist, I've found on some servers that you cannot run php scripts in the cgi-bin directory, nor serve html pages. So if you are having trouble running php script, check the location first. Mike
  12. Z

    What do you think about the new iMac?

    who cares? I already have a monitor. why must I go thru the hassle of buying a NEW one, and taking the loss on selling my old one. Shall we be penalized for being previous customers? Why no upgrade-friendly path? Mike
  13. Z

    What do you think about the new iMac?

    Apple keeps missing the boat. They need to bring the cube back (and not over-price it this time). I have a perfectly good 17" VGA monitor. Why should I have to pay for a smaller 15" screen that I don't want? Or they should at least offer a 17" panel. Yawn. Mike
  14. Z

    Firewire/USB Combo card $20 !

    Happy for ya... but again, chipset or not, these do not work for everyone, so buyer beware. Firewire CD-R (works fine with built-in FW) and USB camera both were unrecognized. ASP showed only that a pci card was plugged in. No other useful data. B&W G3 (rev 2), 10.1.1 Mike
  15. Z

    Firewire/USB Combo card $20 !

    I purchased one of these and found that it did not work under OS X. I'm returning it today. Nice idea, but of OS X users, I'm afraid there's no benefit. Both USB and Firewire devices were unrecognized for me under 10.1.1. Mike B&W G3/400
  16. Z

    Ctrl-Ms in mail just started?

    I'm seeing something new since last night. I applied the Security Update (5L14), and have also tried the demo of Windowshade (although I cannot see how that is related). I do mail thru the Terminal, running fetchmail to gather it, procmail to filter it, and sendmail is running as well...
  17. Z

    MS spying through Office v.X?

    Actually with built-in ipfw this should not be difficult to block in a brute-force fashion by blocking all traffic to/from ${IPFW} add 00603 deny log all from any to out via en0 this blocks you surfing to them as well, but you could make finer grain rules...
  18. Z

    USB hub problems

    Ok I had picked up some no-name USB hub thinking these things were all plug and play... (maybe my mistake, it was ~$20 off of what I've found is that only my Canon BJC-3000 (unsupported in OS X) is seen thru the hub. My Canon digital camera is not accessible via Image Capture...
  19. Z

    Sugestion for DVD on a B&W?

    Folks the hack for DVD Player 3.0 (OS 10.1) for many of the unsupported Macs is over on I've tried it out and it works like a charm. Mike
  20. Z

    Pine not working right after 10.1

    First, you can change the /var/root/.forward to be your username (replace the /dev/null with your name, or a full addr), so you get any mails that were sent to root. I get 1 mail per day from the daily update cron job... personally I'd just as soon see these mails, never know what useful debug...