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  1. eric2006

    Getting a Mac G3

    I'm guessing you have this: (recommend you read that article) This is a great computer to see if you would enjoy the mac experience. However, it's ten years old. I don't know what you mean by "all those new programs", but I wouldn't expect a...
  2. eric2006

    15'' Powerbook G4 Aluminum will not start

    I don't believe that this is a diagnostic sound. I thought that it might be trying to make the bootup sound with damaged speakers, but the typical OS X bootup sound is about 3.5 seconds. I have heard fans make noises like this, so it's possible that you have a broken fan. A hard drive can make...
  3. eric2006

    Reading contents of old laptop

    If the mac shows any signs of life, you can try target disk mode, but I assume that it's dead for good. In this case, you can find the model and look for take-apart instructions (ifixit has some good ones), then take the HD out and stick it in a portable 2.5" HD enclosure. You will need a mac...
  4. eric2006

    Maximum eMac Hard Drive Capacity

    The eMac uses a standard desktop 3.5" hard drive in addition to the above.
  5. eric2006

    slow MBP and fans - just a few apps open

    Yes, you can see if spotlight is indexing because it will have a circling thing going on in the icon. It should only need to index once. You can stop by by dragging the hard drive to the privacy tab. What applications/processes show up in Activity Manager as hogs?
  6. eric2006

    slow MBP and fans - just a few apps open

    Try opening Activity Manager in /applications/utilities to see what's taking the most CPU. You may have to select "all processes", the default is to just view yours. Then, see what is using the most memory/cpu. Office 2004 is not a UB, so it might be slower, but shouldn't be too slow. Spotlight...
  7. eric2006

    my mac won't recognise my ipod

    Make sure you have the latest version of iTunes, and try enabling "disk use" on the iPod. The iPod is probably formated as FAT32, but that shouldn't matter.
  8. eric2006

    iPhoto library GONE!

    I don't see how the photos would get deleted from a force quit. More likely, the library file is damaged. Try this: Also, deleting iPhoto's preference file in /users/<you>/library/preferences/ may help What version of...
  9. eric2006

    Anyone switched to Firefox 3 or latest Webkit?

    I love the way FF3 handles passwords, but it gets very sluggish sometimes when I type, to the point where I have typed a whole sentence but FF3 is only displaying half of it. Page display seems faster in FF3, but it seems like WK is loading everything at once, and may be faster that way. This is...
  10. eric2006

    Can't install dmg files

    Looks like the mentioned security update comes in a .dmg ed: here's the .pkg in a .zip if that fails, reinstall is another option, possibly combo updater. Have you tried upgrading?
  11. eric2006

    Help! CS3 crashing at launch...Font Explorer X installed
  12. eric2006

    Major problem. Please help.

    You should be able to modify the partition map from the top-level of the hard drive (click on the drive, not the partition). I'm not 100% sure that you can change the size of FAT32 partitions, however, and it will probably cause problems with XP. In any event, you can still reformat the while...
  13. eric2006

    Help! CS3 crashing at launch...Font Explorer X installed

    Try validating fonts in Font Book:
  14. eric2006

    iTunes Wont Close

    Try deleting the preference file, or building a new library. If that doesn't work, you can try reading through the related discussions here...
  15. eric2006

    MacBook Pro rejecting all recordable CDs

    If there was a firmware update, it would show up in software update. In fact, some people are reporting problems after the update (edit: lots of people: I would bring this in. I would also strongly recommend getting the 3-year...
  16. eric2006

    Need Help SOS!

    Assuming you have a generic OS 9 disk, it should install. Try disabling the open firmware password, which may/not be enabled. I can't find the document right now, but I believe that you change the memory, then reset the pram 3 times.
  17. eric2006

    Using ARD 3 to control XP machine

    As far as I can tell, UltraVNC doesn't need anything in the username field if there isn't a username enabled. Because this seems to be an UltraVNC issue, you may want to post your problem here as well:
  18. eric2006

    Newbie, new Mac, "Zero KB".

    I'm not sure what your problem is, but: 1. Terminal doesn't see "Resource forks", so it may not report the correct size. (I'm not an expert on that..) 2. Disk Images may have "zero kb" available because they are read-only, and formated to the size of contents. 3. You can run a disk repair...
  19. eric2006

    reinstall osX after disk wipe

    You'll need another Mac, though a PC may work (but you can't format as HFS..). Also, try running the hardware test on your original install disk.
  20. eric2006

    iphoto won't launch

    First, try deleting /users/<you>/library/preferences/ If that doesn't work: If that doesn't work, try holding the "option" key on startup and creating a new library.