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  1. Y

    Tiger first impressions

    i will try to be more specific in future posts and to put them in the proper forum :D
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    Tiger first impressions

    this is the first forum i have been in in a while that gets so many criticisms of thread titles, unecessary titles, answer in the original thread etc.... the thread i started on 'no stuffit Expander in Tiger' was cause the thread i saw the remark in had nothing to do with that and would...
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    no Stuffit Expander in Tiger?

    so what is there to use instead if you need an expander for stuffed files?
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    Tiger first impressions

    i went to the Northridge, CA store and it was really busy even @ 7:30 when i arrived.... somebody won the PowerBook before i got there :( oh well... i tried out Tiger on a 1.6 G5 iMac and it was pretty slick.... really like the audio controls in DVD, Dashboard was fun and rippled...
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    i hope so!! one of the reasons i keep .mac is for the free virus software nad other freebies.... if not, gmail will be my preferred email [even though it is becoming so now :)] otherwise, i could get email and web space somewhere else at a cheaper price...
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    Suggestion for forum moderators

    that is all fine but i take exception to be corrected constantly as to thread titles, about supposedly inappropriate new threads and to threads being closed cause the supermods do not think them necessary... what happened to free speech?? :rolleyes:
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    Can I install Tiger on a separate partition?

    according to Fryke in this thread: it should work fine...
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    Can I install Tiger on a separate partition?

    i will try to do better in the future :rolleyes:
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    no Stuffit Expander in Tiger?

    well, it supposedly does not work with Tiger from the Panther version... that is my concern.... versiontracker indicates it works with 10.3 and up, but no mention of 10.4?
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    no Stuffit Expander in Tiger?

    i saw a post from someone that Stuffit Expander is not included in Tiger? seems kinda odd that it would not be updated and included like it usually is in Mac OS's :confused:
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    Can I install Tiger on a separate partition?

    kind of unusual for Apple to leave out Stuffit expander? i thought they always included it in an OS in the utilities? do you have version 9.0.1? it is the latest listed on and maybe installing it on your drive that has 10.4 will do shows it works with 10.3 and...
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    Can I install Tiger on a separate partition?

    Thanks! i just plan on fooling with it on my Cube if i do install it at all on it.... i am getting a new G5 soon and it will be my main computer....unless it runs really well on the Cube then i may use it on that whenever i fire it up... btw, your website looks cool!! i like the...
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    Can I install Tiger on a separate partition?

    so i could just throw in the Tiger disk and choose a partition to install it on? Thanks!
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    Thoughts on latest PM G5 upgrades?

    what gets me is everyone says 'oh, it is only a 200mhz bump for the new 2.7gb machines'... so when they go to 3gb machines, it will only be a 300mhz bump... i think that speed gets over-rated sometimes.... and i do not see what is wrong with the sp1.8 if you really do not have the need...
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    Can I install Tiger on a separate partition?

    can i install Tiger on a separate partition on my Cube without problem? i saw somewhere that you can have separate partitions w/ different OS's to boot from... i have 5 partitions on my Cube and some are large enough so i thought it would be fun to see how my Cube runs Tiger... i am...
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    Register Here

    Register Me! Thanks
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    10.2 Help Viewer Crash

    try using AppleCare in accesses Apples knowledge database....
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    OS X stability

    so, all you need to do is Force quit the screensaver, right? try pressing the space bar to wake it up instead of moving the mouse to wake it will wake up that way even if the mouse is in the 'hot corner'...
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    Linksys Etherfast router

    thanks BuddahBobb! i will give it a try..... yanges
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    Linksys Etherfast router

    hello all i finally got my Linksys Etherfast router recently...... i got it hooked up to my Cube just fine and internet connection works fine...... my problem is that i cannot get my G3 running OS9 up and running......i am not sure how to set it up to: 1] connect to internet 2]...