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  1. dricci

    Install Mac OS 8.6 on a new iMac

    I don't think it's possible. The minimum you can install is OS 9.0. Why would you want to install 8.6, anyways? It's very old and out dated.
  2. dricci

    Apple uses Chimera!

    The video worked for me. Do you have your connection settings correct? If you specify a low bandwidth it may give you an audio-only quicktime stream.
  3. dricci

    Viewing images within

    I've had lots of trouble with and images and attachments, not sure what the deal is. Hopefully Apple will work this out in 10.2's Anybody have a solution for now though?
  4. dricci

    Mac OS 10.2 Codename Jaguar

    But what if it wasn't disclosed to us by Apple? What if it was disclosed to us by "AL'S PLACE GET JAGUAR 10.2 WHILE U KENE YES WE HAVE JAGURARE" carracho server? ;) :D
  5. dricci

    Apple uses Chimera!

    I'm sure they checked the sites first to make sure it wouldn't choke on any of them.
  6. dricci

    Protect Your iPod (dead or alive)

    Do they ask for proof of purchase? Like could I buy one at the Apple Store and then go to CompUSA and buy their warranty for $30?
  7. dricci

    Apple uses Chimera!

    Wouldn't really bother me that much, the less security holes, the better! Let's just hope Apple gets their new office suite ready before the end of the year and then we can piss off Microsoft all we want :D
  8. dricci

    iPOD won't mount???

    Maybe you have that issue where the solder joints inside break. Take it to your local Apple Authorized Reseller, they should replace it free of charge.
  9. dricci

    iChat won't work in 10.1. Why?

    I think there are several threads here that people have listed their troubles and experiences in. Try going back a few days/weeks in the OS X system software section.
  10. dricci

    What side of the screen is your dock?

    I keep mine on the right, but I just turned animated app openings off so it doesn't bounce. It looks much better and saves a lot of processor cycles.
  11. dricci

    Wow! AOL actually did somthing right!

    I wouldn't be surprised if Apple sent some of their programmers over to AOL to help them with the new version. I bet the W3C peed their pants from excitement when they heard this announcement :D
  12. dricci

    iChat won't work in 10.1. Why?

    I'm guessing it was compiled using some Jaguar-only stuff that is tied into the system, so it dies when it can't find it. iChat is more than an app, it has ties deep into the system to the new Mail and Address Book, which also do not run on 10.1. I've used iChat and it does look pretty...
  13. dricci word association!

    Maxwell Smart, Agent 86
  14. dricci

    10.1.5 when?

    I'm thinking you'll have to reformat, unless you use something like pacifist to just manually install the package files, which should be just as good as normal install. Apple has stated many times that they don't support upgrading from one beta OS to another beta or a final.
  15. dricci

    Wow! AOL actually did somthing right!

    Yeah, the toolbar is kinda huge, and it looks more XP than Aqua, but it is better than before. Maybe this is a start of AOL versions for Mac and Windows keeping up with each other? And a new Mac AOL beta with new GUI and browser before the Windows counterpart, wow! This Apple relationship...
  16. dricci

    Apple uses Chimera!

    Yeah, Java is a must for me, too. But I do plan to switch when it grows up a little, very good work so far. Are you sure it was chimera? I thought it was IE for OS X with most of the tool bars collapsed.
  17. dricci

    Verizon DSL commercial SHOWING OS X!¿

    WTF... I just saw a Verizon DSL commercial. They had some teen using a flat panel apple display (I think a 19 inch) RUNNING OS X PURE AQUA GOODNESS WITH IE! He was watching some skateboarding streaming movie in IE. It looks so real, too! The thing that confuses me is, Verizon doesn't...
  18. dricci 6.99

    I tried to sign up a few months back, but they use PayPal, a service that does not like me or my Visa. So I wasn't able to complete it. I sorta liked their service, but after a while I lost interest.
  19. dricci

    The Matrix: Rebooted & The Matrix: Revolutions

    Is it normal to announce two sequels at once? They must be pulling a Star Wars :D
  20. dricci

    Sony SLAMS Microsoft by lowering the price of PS2!

    Nah, the government is scared of them. They'd probably help hand them out to everybody if Microsoft asked. Gotta love companies that have power of the government!