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  1. S

    monitors CP crashes with 10.1, Radeon - Classic workaround

    I recently installed 10.1 on my Beige G3, and I wanted to make my PCI ATI Radeon the startup monitor on the machine and set the resolution & col. depth. Guess what??? The Monitors option under System Preferences CRASHES when I try to open it. Everytime. So what do I do? Launch Classic...
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    10.1 Beige - floppy, video, printer fixes?

    Actually the Beige G3s came in at 233, 266, 300, and 333 MHz speeds. I have a ZIF card CPU replacement on my machine to take it up to 400MHz, with a 200MHz (2:1) backside cache. Translation: This CPU upgrade will be 100% compatible, and btw absolutely no OS X or other drivers are needed. This...
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    10.1 Beige - floppy, video, printer fixes?

    Has anyone tried a very recent build of 10.1 on a Desktop G3? I'm interested in the following: 1. has the video driver been accelerated for Rage & Rage Pro chips? 2. are built-in floppy disks supported? 3. does the printer port work? 4. do external SCSI CD burners work? 5. and (most...
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    Will modem and printer ports work with Mac OS X?

    Epson actually makes a USB to parallel converter for the Stylus Color 800, 850, 1520. However, Epson introduced this adapter back in the days when the iMac first came out so that iMac users could print to these printers. Unfortunately there are no printer drivers listed which support printers...
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    ZIP DRIVE not recognized

    I have no trouble using an external SCSI 250mb Iomega ZIP drive on my Beige G3. I can read both 100mb & 250mb disks, eject disks, and when I insert a disk it is automatically mounted. I am using the built in SCSI port on my Beige desktop. I suspect that your problem is with your SCSI card...
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    Will modem and printer ports work with Mac OS X?

    I also have a Beige G3. Summary: Modem will work on Modem port. Printer won't work on Printer port. Right now I'm logged into my ISP with my external GlobalVillage 56K from OS X, and it works fine. Unfortunately my printer - an Epson Stylus Color 850 does not work with the printer port, and...
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    Why does the startup disk not stick?

    I have a similar problem. My main System is 8.6, and I also have 9.1 and OS X installed on separate partitions. When I want to go from 8.6 to X, then I select the startup disk containing OS X (in Startup Disk), close it, and reboot. This brings up OS 9.1 all of the time. Then from 9.1 I can...
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    Video Cards for OS X

    Looking at your system specification, you don't have much choice between the two cards. So far only ATI makes the Radeon in a PCI version. The only vendor to make cards with a NVidia chipset for the Mac is Apple, and unfortunately Apple only makes an AGP version. All G3 Macs, and a few early...
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    second HD doesn't show (BeigeG3), modem doesn't work

    Hi! A few days ago I was finally able to install Mac OS 10.00 on a Beige G3. I had to jumper the CD to Master for this to work. I have two Internal IDE Hard Disks, as follows: 10 Gb Quantum IDE - set to Master Internal ATA 1 - ID=0, 7 Gb HFS+ partition (OS X) 3...
  10. S

    Epson 850, Beige G3 OSX printing

    Unfortuntately, as I mentioned in my original post, my particular Epson printer is not on the list of drivers available now for OS X. Also, I know that the Epson 850 (and its cousins the 800 and 1520) are very popular printers, so I'm looking for a bit of feedback on whether there is anyway...
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    Epson 850, Beige G3 OSX printing

    My OS X is in the mail, according to Apple. However, I was wondering if there will be a feasible way for me to print to my inkjet. I have an officially support model for OS X (Beige Desktop G3), and an Epson 850 printer. This printer connects via a SERIAL connection and not through USB, and it's...
  12. S

    won't boot install CD in Beige G3

    I've been trying very hard to install the MacOS X beta several times over the last month or so with no avail on my Beige G3. I have an original MacOS X Beta disk, and I've tried booting while holding down the 'C' key. The CD-ROM spins up for a few seconds, waits, and then the machine hangs...