Search results

  1. V

    Front Row Index Screwed Up but iTunes is Fine

    I have an iMac G5 running MacOS X Leopard (10.5.8) running Front Row 2.1.7 (309) and iTunes 9.0.2. I have a large number of TV Shows and Movies (all MP4/H.264) recorded from TV (with my trusty EyeTV). I have used this set up for about 4 years and have not had any trouble. I record and edit...
  2. V

    Can OS X/Darwin Read/Write from NTFS and FAT32 volumes

    Was wondering if OS X/Darwin read from (and write to) NTFS and FAT32 volumes. I reecall that Linux has a Kernal module that lets it access them (but read-only for NTFS). Is that still the case, and does the same apply to OS X? -- V
  3. V

    UINX question

    When you say start the Command application in OS X, what you see is what is known as the "shell" in Unix parlance. The shell is the layer around core Unix that acts as a text-based user interface - it is how you give commands to Unix by typing at a command line. There are many shells...
  4. V

    Fun with Code Red

    Code red exploits known holes in Microsoft IIS web servers (or more specifically, the indexing component of IIS). It lodges itself in the web server, and then tries to infect 100 more. It does this by probing random IP addresses with an HTTP request (similar to what a web browser nbormally sends...
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    Cheap [tethered] Cameras Supported in OS X

    I was wondering if anyone knows of any cheap (i.e. in the $20 - $80 range) cameras that are supported on OS X I used to use a USB Connectix QuickCam on OS 9 as a web cam, but it does not work on OS X, and Logitech has categorically stated that they will not provide drivers. I was...
  6. V

    is osx a true unix system

    I did not have much chance to work with NT 3.51, but I have think that the GUI was in user space, and very sluggish - one of the reasons why it had low adoption rates. From NT 4 onwards, they put the GUI in kernel space (and the blue screen of death was born!) Interestingly, I believe that...
  7. V

    is osx a true unix system

    I know this is a bit off topic here, but is really in reply to the posting about DOS and WIndows NT having the same kernel [by the way, also in reply to that posting - BeOS does not have aUnix kernel. It simply has a POSIX subsystem and has BeOS ports of bash and common command line...
  8. V

    let me get this straight once and for all...

    i am sure this has been discussed many times in many different threads. but anyway, the long and shortof it is ... yes. if you have the source code, and, as Jadey said, if it is a CLI application, you can compile it for OS X and run it if you don't have the source code, you probably...
  9. V

    When do we get some WINE?

    Have heard rumours of a MacOS X version of Virtual PC being in development - anyone know anything specifically?
  10. V

    is osx a true unix system

    True - but unfortunately not an argument in favour of saying that Mac OS X is Unix. All this really tells me is that OS X is SIMILAR to Linux. And the funny thing is, Linux is not Unix. Linux is not even GNU. What else it really tells you is that the user interface (in this case the...
  11. V

    is osx a true unix system

    osOpinion has added the following postscript to the article recently ... "Since osOpinion's publishing of this piece, the Open Group has updated their web site to include Apple into its list of vendors that support the single Unix specification. This appears likely as a direct result to...
  12. V

    VNC Server for OS X (Aqua)

    Does anyone know if the VNC server is being ported to Mac OS X? I know there is a Darwin version out there that displays an X desktop Because of the way that OS X (Aqua) does not support simultaneous graphical sessions yet, I assume that the OS X one would be similar to the Windows...
  13. V

    Anyone porting VNC Server to Mac OS X (Aqua)?

    I wonder if, as part of their Office for OS X, Microsoft might try porting the Netmeeting remote desktop sharing piece over?
  14. V

    Anyone porting VNC Server to Mac OS X (Aqua)?

    Does anyone know if the VNC server is being ported to Mac OS X? I know there is a Darwin version out there that displays an X desktop Because of the way that OS X (Aqua) does not support simultaneous graphical sessions yet, I assume that the OS X one would be similar to the Windows version...
  15. V

    is osx a true unix system

    I think the issue here is whether an operating system can truly claim to be "Unix", not whether Unix can claim to be a true operating system! The issue revolves around the fact that Unix is more than just a concept - a set of APIs or commands or interface guidelines. It is is a redistered...
  16. V

    Installed XFree86, now what?

    Personally, I love KDE. I have been running KDE2 from my linux box with the display set to the MacOS X, and then a mixture of Linux apps and Darwin apps running inside it ... of course for you to do that, you must have some other machine running KDE (Linux, Solaris etc.), unless anyone has...
  17. V


    can't say anything more than "try it and see"! renaming it would be better than deleting it though
  18. V

    The trouble with Fink ...

    I downloaded and installed Fink (first 0.2.0 - which never worked - and then 0.1.8a) and it seems to run .... except that it does not install anything of note. When trying to install the GIMP, it fails to find the URLs for some of the dependent packages. The happens same for almost all...
  19. V

    Anyone ported the GIMP?

    I installed Fink, and it seems to run .... except that it does not install anything of note. When trying to install the GIMP, it fails to find the URLs for some of the dependent packages. The happens same for almost all the other packages too The error is of the form ... Failed...
  20. V

    Anyone ported the GIMP?

    Yes. Thanks I did actually see that one - a search on in the Netscape directory for Mac and GIMP took me there ... but to be honest .. I had trouble finding out exactly what I needed. I mean, ideally, a PKG with the complete GIMP binaries would be nice! I did download fink and am...