Search results

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    Time for a new ibook battery?

    I second that— I had a similar problem and bought a new battery that I found through for much less than Apple's cost.
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    Another HDD bites the dust?

    The problem in a nut-shell: - iBook G3 locked in boot-up process indefinitely - disk utility failed to fix problem - erased HDD "by zeros" with no errors - installed Tiger while in target mode and from another iBook - same problem ocurred, unchanged, after reboot So...
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    printf() miracle cure?!

    I'm working on a C++ program using Project Builder, and I came across something really odd. When running the executable in Unix, I receive a bus error. After some intense sluthing, I discovered where the problem occurs: an if statement that only uses variables (ie if((x > y) || (x < y)){ )...
  4. D word association!

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    Project Builder Executable

    After a little experimentation, it had to do with how the Unix shell was starting. I just had to go into the Terminal preferences and tell it to log in with the command 'bin/tcsh' instead of logging into 'usr/bin/login,' and the executable would run in its native folder.
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    Project Builder Executable

    I've been working on a Unix program in Project Builder, and everything has, for the most part, worked fine. However, I cannot figure out how to tell the executable to run files from the same directory. Instead, it keeps looking in my user home folder as the active directory. How can I change...
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    Looking for Jawesome Router

    Do 802.11g devices have a better range than 802.11b devices? Other than that, after doing extensive research on router problems and etc, would this be a suitable configuration? --- 333 MHz iMac ---...
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    Looking for Jawesome Router

    I decided to look for a reliable, cheap, 802.11g router, but I keep running into problems. For instance, the Netgear WGR614 seemed like a leap over Linksys, yet I found a staggering number of bad reviews for the router. Though there were a few who had no problems, or were able to solve them...
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    Looking for Jawesome Router

    Cool beans! Also, 802.11g is reverse compatible with 802.11b devices, correct? And does anyone know if ethernet-power adapters (the things that turn an ethernet signal into 110V power and visa versa) are any good?
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    Looking for Jawesome Router

    I was thinking of getting a 802.11b wireless+wired router for my home network and have been looking around for some good picks. So far, one of the best (and prettiest) routers appears to be the NetGear MR814. It's got what I need: WPA, WEP, 4 ethernet jacks, etc. I am NOT touching a Linksys...
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    Building my Mac?

    The following sites could be useful:
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    Apple sued for iTunes interface

    Yeah, this is a very sticky issue-- the Vermont company created a design that is very basic, and, therefore, effectively has the right to do whatever it wants to whosoever infringes on their patent. If you look closely, Winamp and Windows Media Player have interfaces different enough from...
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    AMD vs. Intel

    If it were just the case of companies "staying away" from the new guy, then AMD would not have formerly enjoyed a 20% stake in Sony's graces. The reason why anti-trust laws are in place is to allow companies to compete by fair means and keep the consumer market rich in choices and fair prices...
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    Nova EV 1.0.8; is it a good game?

    I definitely agree. EV NOVA is an incredible improvement on an already great series, but prepare for a time-consuming game. There are at least 7 (or 8?) possible storylines plus a multitude of plot forks, and not to mention some neat easter-eggs (*cough* wormholes *cough*). Unlike the other...
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    Lynksuxs ~ A Cautionary Tale

    It was not too long ago that I lost the network connection between my iBook and my home LAN, and it may be awhile before I look back to Lynksis for a router. The router mocked me, I swear it, because every computer on that network, a G3 iMac and Dell PC, could access it. There were no changed...
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    IO Streams thread-safe in MacOSX?

    It may be a good idea to use fscanf() or fgets(3) for secure input... I have not had too much trouble with standard libraries in OSX, with the exception of gets(). The question is, are you terminating the proper streams at the proper times using fclose()? A good reference for using c standard...
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    Look at that port jiggle!

    I've been experiencing connectivity issues with my white iBook lately, and, as it turns out, the template (?) in which the port holes are made is loose, but only the ethernet (and possibly phone line) experienced trouble. Before I tear apart my iBook, 1) is it possible to fix without going...
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    The Storag Master's Pawn

    I have a first gen (?) blueberry 333MHz G3 iMac that I resurrected recently with Panther and continue to use a 15GB external HDD I added to it a few years ago. I backed up all the data before I installed Panther, then ran the OS X Disk Utility to locate the HDD, but it was unrecognizable. The...
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    OS X Project Builder Q's

    I love Apple's Project Builder and all, but I've had a few problems that have left me scratching my head for quite a while. 1) I have a C++ program that prompts a user for information at the beginning using the stdio.h commands (printf, scanf, etc), including a few intermittent prompts for...