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    iMac 27" internal display connector

    Yep that's how it happened, during a hard drive replacement. It was not me... No how to fix, new logic board just to replace a broken connector seems excessive
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    iMac 27" internal display connector

    Hi, I have an iMac 27" late 2009 that has a damaged display connector, the part that is soldered to the logic board and that the cable from the display panel connects to. It works fine when connected to an external monitor. Replacing the connector with another part isn't a problem, but...
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    Mac Pro Upgrade?

    I need to purchase a new Mac, it has to be a Mac PRo as I need the PCIe slots. I jan afford the Quad Core just about, but Iw as thinking, after the warranty is out, could I theoretically upgrade the CPU by either obtaining the 3.2 or better still throw another one in to make an 8 core? Nasty...
  4. B email rules

    Just confirmed this. When I log into webmail, one of the rules always runs. If I then go to the filters tab and click on apply filters a few more of the rules run, but still not all of them. I have also noticed that if I play around with the rule they will sometimes run from the apply filters...
  5. B email rules

    Some are, some are not.
  6. B email rules

    at some point recently, all my rules I have set up in the webmail appear to have stopped working. They still run amnually, but this is becoming a pain to have to log in to webmail. anyone any ideas? thanks,
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    HDMI Capture

    okay, thanks, was just wondering whether I missed another. Quite a reasonable price really.
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    HDMI Capture

    What are the current options for capturing from an HDMI source on a Mac? I know of BlackMagics card, are there any others? Thanks,
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    Spotlight (and Finder) Stopped Searching My Music Folder!

    I had a similar problem after trying out filevault. rebuilding the spotlight database solved this for me.
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    Logic Express 8

    if nobody here can help you, try over at
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    Since updgrading to 10.4.11 "MAIL" crashes

    hello, have you tried quitting mail and deleting the envelope index in ~/Library/Mail/ ?
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    Malware headache version OS X 10.3.9

    Just encountered this myself, have a look here for removal instructions:
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    Malware headache version OS X 10.3.9

    To edit the hosts file, in the Terminal type sudo pico /etc/hosts You might also want to try sudo lookupd -flushcache first to see if that fixes it. You could also try setting your DNS to (OpenDNS)
  14. B word association!

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    Apple Mail Encoding problems

    Hi, thanks for the reply, but they are both Intel - iMac 24" 2.13 and MacBook Pro 2.33. My PPC iMac 17" doesn't suffer, neither does the MBP, just the 24" imac for some reason.
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    Apple Mail Encoding problems

    I am having a problem between Outlook and one of my macs. When I send an email from Outlook to my 2 mac email address (both on the same private mail server), the correct content does not appear on my imac 24, but it does on my mbp, which has exactly the same system version etc. I have gone...
  17. B word association!

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    Disk utility problem erasing a large external hard drive

    also check that the partition scheme is set to GUID or APM by clicking the options button under the partition tab in disk utility.
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    Dusting inside iMac G5, noisy fans....

    Here's what I do: Place a towel on a table, place the iMac screen down on the towel, remove the 3 screws on the bottom panel, squirt around everywhere with one of those cans of compressed air. As for the fans, I usually use a cotton bud dipped in isopropynol.
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    Software and Hardware Firewire RAID10?

    Hi, Would it be possible and beneficial to purchase a firewire controller with RAID1 built in, create 2 RAID1 sets, then use Disk Utility to stripe them, effectively having a RAID10? I have just lost about 700 gigs of data due to the failure of a G-RAID (one of the drives failed), which is...